Life is an amusement to the soul in it's cosmic loneliness.

 Dear Reader,

I am exhausted, 

around 8:30 I went outside to shovel the snow on the driveway

with the hopes that I will need to shovel less in the morning and to take my trash out (recycle) 

because tomorrow morning I will need to drop my son to school and its a pain to shovel snow early in the morning especially if it snowed too much

so I started shoveling, it was snowing around 1-1.5 h

it already snowed 20 -25 cm already

I wore my snow pants, snow jacket, touk, mittens and my sorel's

than head out...I shoveled all in a furry 

which took my 30-40 min

than I turned back to find out another 5 cm already snowed on top...

I shovelled it once more and than took out the recycle bin to the end of drive way 

cleaned the entrance path and headed in

today I did many things

I carried all the packed items from the basement to the study room

so that I will not need to carry extra stairs in the moving day...

I will do the moving on my own...I didn't hired people to carry stuff

no money...but I have a dolly...I rented a big U-haul truck

and I will carry everything on my own...with that dolly

also I have disassembled one bed frame (ikea) which was in the basement

like these are not enough I went to shopping because pantry and fridge was empty

I bought the supplies and I paid 44.44 $ in the store weird right

so after all this busy day...

shoveling snow hit me hard... 

I just got in and drank a cup of hot chocolate

its still snowing and all my labor is covered with snow again

I remember complaining about how it was not snowing this winter

ha ha haha ... here you go

you ask for snow you receive snow...

and plenty of snow as well

ask and you will receive reader...

Life is the transition period to death,

It is the voluntary imprisonment in an alive container.

Life is a cotton candy dream squeezed in the infinity of the present 

It is like a new experience you decided to take on 

like trying on different colored glasses at gas station

just to perceive new experiences 

to gain perspective with a different view.

Life is an amusement to the soul in it's cosmic loneliness.

                                                                   King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Yura Forrat - Pexels)

Reader I changed the banner of the blog to my Winter Scenery!




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