post mortem poem

 Dear Reader,

This house don't have too much of a backyard,

and unlike my old house it looks to the backyard of another house.

the border of the backyards are determined by young spruce trees

probably black spruce...there are several of them side by side....

in the first couple of days there were no sign of life around the trees

even though there was commercial bird feeder hanged there...

this morning after I finished my meditation...I was looking to the trees

and trying to catch the present....

first I saw a brown squirrel running from one branch to another 

jumping from tree to tree...

it got out of the sight, than another squirrel arrived

a black one...

I guess it was younger and very energetic one...

it played with its tail and made all the goofy moves 

quickly I realized how playful squirrel it was

I watched it for at least 15 minutes as it jumped from one branch to another

chasing it tail and playing joyfully on its own..

it really made my day reader...

back in my previous home I have not seen any black squirrels 

not in my yards or not in the neighborhood...

I guess the black squirrels are more common in Ontario or in the south...

also I never saw many chipmunks back there as well..

reader I am neighboring 26 here :)

light and love...

no orange colored dark paint in this new house

still resting today I am still very tired

the bad thing is that there are still couple of items that I need to get and carry with a truck

thanks god there are not many items left 

although this time I will hire help 

because 2 items are very heavy items

it would be a really bad decision to try to carry these very heavy items on my own via dolly..

reader...its a blessing to be able to communicate in a language you are capable of understanding in the environment you live...

many of us take this for granted

earlier I mentioned in one of my entries, the scariest nightmares before....

it was related to not being able to understand and comprehend anyone around me in a foreign and cold place...

that nightmare I lived 

and its really a burden

so being here is like a blessing

such a big relief

post mortem poem

proem of a mayhem requiem

harem totem emblem

it seems my love esteem

is my light tandem, the best anthem 

don't redeem any system

deem item "no system" theorem

                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Tho-Ge - Pixabay)

This one even confused me 😕



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