truth's light in brief infinite moment of your breath

 Dear Reader,

This year here winter did not arrived yet...

its still more like spring or autumn

when you consider its the first weeks of January

and up here in Canada, there is no snow...

Maybe up in further North there might be more snow

but usually we were buried in snow by this time

don't get me wrong I have no complaints about it considering

that I am planning to move...but still its not normal

how it is like where you are at?

is the weather unusual like here?

anyways every year we start to get more used to this unusual conditions

bit by bit we are getting used to what is not normal?

and unfortunately its not only the weather!

we all are living a mass hysteria!

but I can also see that many of us we are experiencing unusual awakening

I believe all these events and horrors, fear pumped to the masses

initiated an enlightenment event among many!

A change in the usual did this!

reader its something you cannot name but you feel the energy of a strange mystical power

a power that is locked inside you..

if you are intrigued what it is...

I invite you to deep digger into this by reading and learning more...

nobody can guide you through your experience

its a journey that you need to take alone

and I cannot promise you that it would be easy

reader follow the cairns you find on your way

trust your intuition

it won't take you to a wrong place

however there is one catch

you need to be willing and accepting whatever the journey holds

than you can understand your lessons and keep going on

never stop trusting the process even at the darkest and most difficult times

remember even a piece of iron walks into the fire to be shaped into use

you will get your lessons in your wounds

delve deep into them

a face of cries, mourns, a fake gig singed, falsely magnetizing hustle of masturbation

Shun, inner self in pestilence, trapped in dungeons of minds veils

heavy lessons not learned by imitating, open heart's ears to the sound of intuition

burn in hard red core bright white flames, let yourself to ashes

free your slave soul in your nothingness, after all you can't die after you die 

learn your prison, and the cycles of your feeble shackles

rebel to your senses, envision the truth's light in brief infinite moment of your breath

                                                                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: J. LEE - Pexels)





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