all my good deeds were written in my intentions

 Dear Reader,

As I have promised you my salutation will be more sincere from now on. 

Yes I will be talking about the bottomless pit today...

but before we can chit chat a little bit...

today was a busy day for me... 

I got several books readied for publication which were of course took my last couple of weeks

and I submitted for publication...

the books are growing not the sales though...

reader I am trying to manage and get ready all the platforms but obviously this not professional

you can consider me that I am not a great social media user, really, 

when this whole social media stuff boomed I didn't liked it very much from the start...

especially Facebook, its like complete invasion of privacy 

and the stupid thing is you are volunteering to do that in exchange for like's

its a great trap for EGO... just like the bottomless pit story I will share with you today...

yes the social media business asks you to do all these stupid acts and than post it in these medias

because they present you with one day success stories of people 

and briefly telling you hey look "this one did this stupid thing and now they got 10 million followers and they are making great money"

this is a great pandemic worldwide which is making our relationship with one another small and in surface level...

and unfortunately it also reduces your relationship with yourself 

instead of difficult norms like humility we look after and chase behind toxic treats like the EGO...

yes reader we all do have personalities and ego is our suit we wear in our daily life in our interactions with one another...

but its fake, because its a mask

a mask we choose to hide instead of being something for real 

we hide behind this mask, most of the time not because we really wanted to be like that fake mask

but just because that fake mask is pushed in front of you as a favorable way of existing...

so reader we are all volunteers in this social media bondage

we are exchanging our high values freedom, love, integrity, being humble, greatness, transparency, truth, privacy  for likes, depression, being small, mental illness, alienation, introversion, reduction, being a merchandise etc..

 so reader... there are a lot I can say to you about all this...

its sad really...

if you are asking why I don't use my real name and photo...there you got your answer...

we are not goods to be sold! we are not reduced to 1's and 0's 

we are not those toxic masks we are pushed to wear!

we are not composed of our likes and or followers...

think about this, when you are using these platforms...

think about what motivates you to post! how does it make you feel deep inside?

an addiction? of instant gratification?

for example can you remember the like you received couple of months back from somebody you didn't know...

or do you remember that boy, girl whom you met and made you feel liked in your real life?

now reader, I will switch to the story of the "bottomless pit"

actually this is not a story but a song lyric

a great song from "The Handsome Family" called "The bottomless hole"

yes please don't mistake this story with the "Mel's hole" story...

which is also a relatable and a similar story...

please check the song and the lyrics for this story...

I am going to describe the story briefly in accordance to the lyrics...

keep in mind that this is not the story I wrote...

I have been telling you the story so that you can relate with the things 

we talked earlier like social media, addictions etc..

here it goes like this...

 we got a man from Ohio who found a whole behind his barn,

he can't remember his name

its been there as long as he can remember...

they were throwing every waste there, 

and no sound to be heard of the items falling to the bottom of the hole

and the hole never seem to be filled up

even though the man kept throwing in the large items like old tractors,

dead cows, kitchen scraps and every kind of rubbish you can think of

one day the man decided to investigate the whole

to see whether it has a bottom...he suspected that the hole is bottomless...

so he made a chariot to sit on and tied it to ropes and with the help of his 

wife he descends into the hole slowly....

the wife slacked the rope and let him down 

as the end of the rope came

there were no bottom to be seen

and the abyss continued....

the man got so frustrated by not finding the bottom...

says his last goodbye to his wife and cuts the rope...

and he falls and falls and 

he believes its a bottomless hole

until he hits the bottom!

after all you may criticize me that I am also using the same platform to spread my works

yes that is true...but my intention is not to get your likes, or comments

instead to make you think a little bit about this...

because if these were only published as printed books

I would not reach the audience whom I try to reach... 

Reader, this story is for remembering and helping to the people in our communities

who are affected with the drug pandemic taking place as of now..

I really want to do something about this! Please let me know if you have any ideas...

Lately, in a small city of Ontario multiple people are OD'd because of the spiked drugs..

its just so heartbreaking...people are on the streets with mental health problems, because of addictions or because of economic reasons...

fell into the trap of drugs...dying...and unfortunately many people are judging them because they are using drugs...but after all they were nice, happy people with hopes before they fell into this bottomless pit...if we don't lock up this pit as community, if we turn our head the other way 

how can we expect to be happy and content if we don't at least try to do something to reduce the suffering we witness? 


 born of vindictive cruel rainy summer

escape in blue chariots freedom plause

flooding the racetracks to reach a brief pause

by passing the gate seven, you go around and around

waiting to meet the cosmos when the heaven's paused to cry

a black lace and a shy request of virgin vibrations

half awake half in a dream all yet to be my creations

all my good deeds were written in my intentions

you were an Angel for a brief second before heart's cremation's

sweet stories, lies after lies in bottomless hole's suffocations

gasp for a breath to find your inner light's grace before drowning in delusions

your sovereignty is not hidden in your fake fame but in your revelations

                                                        King H. Ironson                    

(Illustration: Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) - "The Angel with the key to the bottomless pit" from the Apocalipsis 1498) 




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