crowned with the sword of understanding

 Dear Reader(s), 

Howdy? How was your Moonday?

Here it was the Family Day so we had a long weekend...

Today I have started the scientific article which I had been procrastinating

it turned out to be much more work than I bargained for.. I need to rewrite 

all of the results & discussion and the conclusions part.. according to the results at hand...

reader while I was in the university, I worked a lot,  (I was very passionate and ambitious back than)

there is still horde of unpublished data I have

probably it would take me years to publish if I work non stop on them

the issue is that I don't have that much of time and financial means to support that time

also I am lacking the motivation as well 

 aside my working in the holiday I have a great meditation in the morning 

it was a bliss and a relieving one hour...

peaceful and serene, sun shone on my face during the meditation

which I like and enjoy a lot.

today was a very bright and sunny day but the temperature read -16 C in the morning 

later it got better until the -6C

I didn't go out today but tomorrow I plan to do some food delivery of course if I can

because early in the morning I have an important meeting

the plan is after meeting, I plan to do my meditation and than head out to drive and earn less than minimal wage

as I was working today at home by some luck or chance I came by a very strange message 

it was weird but like a key which unlock another mystery bugging my mind..

after I have initiated this self journey these kind of appearances increased

maybe my brain is working over time for these kind of things and picking up these kind of things from everywhere maybe before normally I was not wired to see 

maybe these stuff were already around although I was not able to see them or understand them

regardless the reason behind this, whatever you program yourself into

that becomes your reality and the real you observe,

so reader it seems I programmed myself into mysteries and mysteries are revealing in front of my eyes...

to add to all these best place to hide very important things are in places of high visibility...

you look to these things with a different set of eyes and knowledge in your whole life

and you associate them with other things but after you start learning the mysteries

veil after veil starts to open in front of your very eyes...not because anything where you have been looking is changed

the thing that is changed was your perception...which is enabling you to comprehend.... 

crowned with the sword of understanding

god's beacon straight light returning

divine harty nourishment shining

mighty sustenance relieves your mind and heart with a ping

triple thrones, triple swords mark the sovereignty sing

to rule timelines divide them with a nobel understanding

celebrate your awakening by a justful crowning

seven, seven, seven my lovely Zayin slashing,

unreal realities with a mighty swing

                                                     King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Hnance - Pixabay)




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