deterrence to permutations of madness

 Dear Reader(S), 

I would like to remove (S) after the "Reader", because I think it would be more sincere,

so readers, from Singapore, tomorrow onwards I count you all in as continuous frequent reader of the blog...just like the reader from the Germany...Thank you all..

let's continue with our topic today...

reader I have to tell you how terrible it is to have your meditation is disturbed by phone...

unfortunately, this morning when I was meditating my cell phone rang

and I lost all my was an important call and I had to take it..

so I thought there goes the peace of the day...

than by thinking that way I contradicted with myself..

because that was what happened in that moment and I am living in that moment...

you cannot expect to have peace and quite every moment...

yes you can always create bubbles or your sacred spaces that can prevent people, sounds, occurrences

away from you to a degree...

but your focus in your meditations does not depend on stillness of the exterior....

if you cannot calm your interior regardless of how calm and still is the exterior, you will find things which will bug you and things you make scapegoat to loose your peace in your meditation..

reader don't get me wrong, if you start your meditations new...

I strongly recommend you to find a peaceful place which is quite and still...

when I started meditating, I choose to do my meditations at night before I sleep...

so I was reading book as I was trying to sit cross legged (for some reason my muscle's in my legs prevented me to sit like that) and after I stretched my legs and rested them for sitting cross legged for meditation than I close the lights..

crossed my legs and eyes and start doing my meditation...

at first it was short approximately 10-15 minutes..

there i tried to straighten my spine and tried to move my neck to enable pumping of spinal fluid easily.

during those times I was programming my mind on couple of important concepts

these important concepts grew as my meditations developed...

also I have to mention you that durations of my breathing in, holding in and breathing out were extended 

as my meditations grew with me as well..

so they turned out to be a meditations which I tell my self what I am in terms of these important concepts....than I confirm that I comprehend these concepts to internalize them...

and in the final stage I focus on light and awaking 

these stages goes as mentioned in the text first...I focus on the light (inner) and try to follow it

very difficult part...requires complete focus...

so at this point considering that your mind is like a very still water with no waves

all you need to focus is to follow the light path to where ever it takes you without fear

as you progress this part becomes very extended in inhaling, holding the breath and realising it....

since I am having my meditations to listening different mantra's during the meditation

I can understand how my meditation is progressed...

because normally I use the length of mantra as the points of inhale, holding and exhale

so normally each recitation of mantra corresponds to either, inhale, holding and exhale...

its been 6-8 recitations sometimes for the holding in the last part to make the journey in the inner light

and 1-2 recitations for inhale and exhale periods...

this kind of conditions I can only achieve when I am focussed completely...

although I realized that focus does not depend to exterior...

its your inner peace...

holding your inner peace depends on how well you follow the program you put in yourself

and how well you monitor yourself following it...

if you say that you are in the present in the moment here and now

then you should not be bitchy about ringing phone during your meditation just like me! 

ha ha ha :) so reader calmness, clarity and focus came from inwards 

not exterior...

so that's why I get angry to myself, then I remembered that I love me and I forgive whatever I did wrong

so no problem...

and no anxiety...

resilience to silence of calmness

devoured from the screams of divisions

tsunami of thoughts rage with anxieties

pestilence of hideous insidious sadness

deterrence to permutations of madness

a never ending ode to wellness of strangeness

manifestation of mind's peace with clarity and stillness

                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)

NOTE: tomorrow we will talk on bottomless pit
if I can remember!






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