grab your freedom shout out your sovereignty

 Dear Reader,

Today I got a quotation for my car insurance and I got really mad

here is the deal I pay 280$ per month to finance my car

and the insurance I pay per month in Quebec is 74$

now the insurance in Ontario for the same car and same driver is 210$

what kind of monstrosity is this?

it is nearly the same money I pay for the car itself?

and why is there a this huge difference between provinces?

Does the Quebecer's drive more carefully? or whether they obey the rules of the road better than Ontario drivers?

I can tell you clearly and first hand that in Quebec people drive more carelessly

they don't even fully stop in the "arret" signs...they barely follow the speed limits

and you will feel less safe in Quebec roads than in Ontario roads...

than what is this difference

why do I have a higher premium in Ontario?

because Ontario drivers are more careful and they follow the rules better than people in Quebec...

is it because there is more car theft in Ontario? 

if that is why the insurance premiums higher than we are being robbed here because of the government's incompetency to solve car theft problems in this province....

this is extremely unfair...maybe the difference in the premium should be paid by provincial government

because the car theft risk is associated by their incompetency...

 another thing I got mad about is that the insurance company I called

made me listen to consent requesting vague explanation which tells that they may share my information to third parties in Canada and outside of Canada..however who are these third parties and what kind of information they share about me is Vague! not clear yet they feel themselves so entitled to get your consent with this vague information..

I asked what if I don't give my consent to the guy on the other end of the phone

he said than I cannot continue

I started complaining because this company is not providing me clear explanation and does not mention the information to be shared and with whom but yet ask me my consent

anyways after some discussion I made clear that as a customer I am extremely displeased with this double standard...

these stupid companies that rob you, scam you off in broad daylight with the consent of the Government who's prior existential meaning is to protect you and your interest...

anyways...I have many things to say on that department and none of them are pro Government

we are in the time's that the concept of Government became obsolete for the citizens

because everywhere in the world Governments are failing to provide their essential roles and responsibilities towards their citizens...

instead they became institutions that tyrannize the public to protect the interest of few entitled groups 

examples are many on this front...

reader can you believe 

after all this discussion I gave with the insurance company on consent 

the guy asked me whether I would consider uploading this companies program on my phone

so that they can monitor how I drive and so that they can reduce my premium 10%

I said this is a complete violation of privacy

anyways reader...I got mad...

what kind of system...there is no escape 

you have no option for opting out from insurance because if you have a vehicle

than you need to have an insurance which is requested by governments

and they push you towards these companies which exploit you every way that they can

nobody questions these and mostly people feel happy to receive 10% discount by giving consent to be monitored

in the back all their information is being sold to many other companies...because they have the consent...

reader you receive the 10% for this year but next year the insurance company have everything about you to ask you a higher premium...

and unfortunately you have no place to run...

prison placed in every prison that are in prison

sovereignty is hijacked by tricky word of mortal man's contraction

self delusion of reality wastes your god given life, hard to reckon

slavery is your freedom, in a surreal bondage justification

human being, open your eyes to this ugly orchestration

grab your freedom, shout out your sovereignty don't accept this corruption

                                                                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: NoName_13 - Pixabay)

Note: One of the premiers 
of one province declared what he is 
in the most vile way broadcasted on live tv. 
thanks for showing everyone 
what you are made off!





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