grandiose self avenues opens with flame of virtues

 Hello Reader,

We have new readers participating to our blog

I guess the lousy stuff I write intrigued reader(s) from Singapore

the statistics of the blog hit the roof...280 reads in a single day wow

never been to Singapore, but I watched many documentaries about there 

and heard really good things about how nice and kind the people live there

so hello new reader(s)....thank you for reading the blog....

it seems blog started to catch attention


although please don't get mad at me

because this is a medium where as readers you cannot intervene

with the creation process...if you want to learn the reasons please check the earlier blog entries

which explains this thing.. 

so reader the rule is simple I write and you read...

if you like it good for you, if you don't like it good for you again...

thanks for reading, wellcome if you are coming, goodbye if you are leaving

no hard feelings...

I write whatever I want and don't care what is the trending things in the world or if its going to be perceived badly

because this the place where I write the world(s) and realm(s) through my eyes...


enough with the blah blah... lets come to the real thing

today I was reminded once again...

how the darkness is always wishful to come towards light

opposites attract....

as I said earlier in order to transform your attitudes towards to light and love

you constantly need to re iterate your inner work

a great effort....but a worthy effort

so reader I have been observing my attitudes and responses 

in my daily life, in small social interactions...


I have realised that I got frustrated for very small thing that I experienced earlier

its for a inconsiderate behaviour I was given from a person I met for the first time...

even though this attitude is not my attitude 

however it was directed to me inconsiderately and unfairly...

if you are wondering, I have seen this toxic behaviour as it is happening

and I did not responded in a negative way...

instead I responded in a neutral way...

although than it bugged me and I got angry for that person who said that unjust words..

of course by thinking on it and considering where I am at...

I felt sorry for that person...

so much anger, ego, darkness.. I hope he finds his way...

but reader you cannot make a person see their toxic behaviour if they are blinded by their ego...

the best that you can do is to identify what is going on and stay away 

and protect yourself...

because everyone has their own lessons to learn in the life

you cannot make them understand the way 

they need to experience the dark and ego death from the divine lessons place in their life

you can only invite people to love and light

but you cannot experience the experiences for them

they need to experience the experiences they need to experience

so that maybe in their life time they can learn the way of love and light

you cannot intervene with the people's choices

with the people's decisions

you are only responsible of your's

anyways I got so angry with this man but than look into my anger and got sad why I took that much amount of my time getting angry to a terrible behaviour of another person...

Its not my behaviour to begin with...

yes it was unfair for me but actually I cannot choose to act the same way and spread that unfairness...

or respond in the same unfair way...

so reader if there are people around you who are dragging you down...

you should not do the same thing

but you should leave that place immediately to protect yourself if you can..

because its not your duty nor mission to change the people

you cannot change the people 

unless they want to be changed

you can only show the way...

you cannot put any expectations on them to change their way...

its up to them..they need to learn their own lessons from the experiences they have...

so reader you are only responsible for your soul

another thing I realized when delving deep into my attitudes 

 is that I realized that I started to build up expectations with my own growth and meditations

than I realized how much a fool thing it was to do...

when you are trying to stay only in the present

only in the stupid is to have an expectation

what the fuck am I expecting?

levitate with my fart while meditating?

so reader all these realizations came

when I was left in complete pitch darkness in my meditation

yes it was all light, love and bliss lately

but sometimes you need to invite dark to transform your 

attitudes into better ones...

so through the end of meditation 

I struggled to move into light...

with some success I was able to transform the last bit

in light

although after the darkness I fell in the meditation

I reflected back, and find out those two attitudes I have been talking above, brought to that state...

reader, its good to delve into your own darkness to face with your demons...

you need to take up them 

one at a time

check and monitor your attitudes

after you learn your lessons 

so that you are on the right path..

reader dark is needed so that light can be perceived

they are the different opposites explaining the same thing

divine experience

reason of sarcastic monologues,

my bitter cold harsh epilogues

are all fruit of heart's true hues.

whites, greys, blacks, greens, yellows, reds and blues

all are unspoken bold dialogues.

grandiose self avenues 

opens with flame of virtues,

seeded in your core values.

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Céline - Pexels)




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