grim grey days buried in terrible rhyme

 Hello Reader,

How was your Sunday ?

was it Sunny?

here it was Sunny and toasty

so I lied on my couch and have a sun bath

yawned like a cat...

tomorrow I will get the registration done

maybe if I find a good Barber shop

I might cut my hair...

its getting kind a long...(nearly touching my arse kinda long)

so reader, considering that I have all kind of issues like allergies and migraine,

especially when I am with long hair, I tend to have more migraines...

so maybe a little bit short hair period might work for me...

reader I have got some kind of excitement I don't know why

its been light and bliss in my meditations...

just like I mentioned yesterday, I am somehow focussing on every small 

detail and reasons behind my wishes and wants...

what do I really want..what is authentic and what is externally embedded

my mind is alert and my heart checks it for originality...the breath periods extended

humming sound and extension and contraction of perception is ever accompanying 

today, somebody read, my book "Things I wanted to say to you!" book

that is one book I am not greatly happy on publishing and writing

even though every human being have negative and positive emotions

that was written in a dark place with dark thoughts..

I was not like now....I need to live those so that I could be like now...

so even though how bad it is, that is a part of me

and I accept it as it is...therefore I have no intentions to unpublish it

reader...yesterday is gone, tomorrow is another day but its not here

so all we got is now...and now I am writing to you as I watch documentaries

it was an easy day today... I played video games and slacked

aside making home made bread and spaghetti and its homemade sauce for the dinner

I have done preparations for tomorrow morning 

also I found time to prepare some books and work on Ramayan a little bit (its a long book with lots of editing details, probably it will come in 5 or 6 volumes at 7x10 inch dimensions)

now reader, after I post this

it will be the time for me to listen lectures of a great master and sleep on it...

so catch you up tomorrow...

Superior pale rookie focus tie

sudden act of life every time 

jam of  diamond shining jar slime 

grim grey days buried in terrible rhyme

side within, side without all with humming hyme 

singing soul warrior ascends to sublime

                                                   King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: 121385620 - Pixabay)





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