ideas made of light never dies

 Dear Reader(s), 

I am humbled by the attention you provide to my lousy blog...

thank you...!

Reader today, I am a little bit sick, I guess I got the cold...

probably because of driving around and waiting in the car in the delivery business

mostly I wait in the car because there is hardly any business last week I made 100$ 

but spent 50$ for the gas and it took my 12 h to earn that terrible!

so in order to save gas I stop the car and wait... but it gets cold so quick so easily 

especially when the weather is below zero

maybe I should go on and find a job in a supermarket weird...

reader I will cut the bullshit and tell you what I have experienced today

it was very weird and beautiful at the same time....

there are special people come to world in special times 

they come to their age and they transform the time that they are in to a new era

humanity jumps to further they light the flame of so many others around them 

that a major change happens to the consciousness of humanity 

even though people understand this change ages later when they comprehend

what kind of impact these people have on the advancement of humanity..

today I was feeling tired and sick as I was deciding whether to work a little or rest a little

and I came by a music that I love a lot as I was browsing in my phone....

I took up my headphones laid down, put that music on and closed my eyes,

as the music progressed in my ears and mind, I completely fell into it

just like diving into deep blue sea with pitch black depths 

it felt like being a hardy seed which is trying to grow under oppression

trying to be alive among dangers of the little but so mighty and strong

knowing that even you die without producing fertile seeds there is hope and light

knowing that the things you pursue are divinely righteous and true

knowing that you will face all the hardships and difficult trials to achieve divine light and joy

as the music progress in low tempo moving its way up in your heart with the promise of

hopes of illumination and enlightenment, love and joy...the great unity....

I fell down in the endless depths of blue without gasping for air happily going down to my demise in the darkness of my mind

all my late anxieties, worries and fears came through from my closed eyes as a downpour...

like the heavens opened and washed away the earth with fertile skyfall of the spring, 

giving way to new life, clearing all the dark clouds in the vast blue horizons

yes this great person was baptised in 17th December of 1770 who composed 

this great music I was listening to..

 regardless of all hardships, challenges he faced...he came out to be a full blossom of light... 

to produce new seeds of illumination through his music...

I felt the great energy of unity vibrating through my soul at the same frequency of his enlightenment...

ideas made of light never dies

they resonate through the ages 

vibrates among immortal minds

never ceases to beat among the mortal hearts

seven again and again reincarnates

lights up the divine mortal flames which turns to ashes

yet to reborn again as a mighty phoenix which rises  

to spread it's seeds of light among the darkness

blue majestic blossoms which lights up the new mortal flames

                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Lithograph of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony by Jean-DesireRingel d'illzach (1847-1916) published in L'artiste July 1897)

Ludwig Van Beethoven Symphony No. 7 Movement II Allegretto





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