made up skipped regrets jumping like a leaped frog

 Dear Reader(S),

It was chilly here today -16C morning and warmed up to clear walking out weather of -8C by the midday...

Today, I have run some errands and than went to my appointment I got earlier for my car...

anyways there in my appointment at the service I met with these senior couple whom have this lovely calm happy dog "Molly" 

of course I petted Molly and became friends with the old couple because of my interest in their dog..

as I talked with these friendly people, as the conversation progressed 

I have witnessed that Madame is being stuck in some conversation we had earlier and repeating it over and over again, just like skipping vinyl record which always return to start and made you listen a part over and over again..

I have spoken with the madame over and over again like nothing happened...

because I felt that she was really happy making a conversation and being sociable...

from my conversation with her I can tell that she is not really good on handling the short term happenings

like things happened 15 min earlier...

but she was so clear and concise on things happened 50 years earlier, or during 2nd world war when she was little....

and not good memories as well...

i thought weird how bad things impact our brain more than the good things...

reader why we hold on to our regrets and trauma's 

why we except and move on to our now...

why we don't hold on to our happy moments more...?

I hope this is only something that is for me... or few me 

and I also wish me and those people who are the same way as me

learns to hold on happy moments more than the regrets and trauma's

reader as I start this looking within business 

I have realised that I had a great attachment to the pain and trauma's I had...

and it seems that I had many which I knew and which I was not aware of

its been an on going battle to learn to delve into these 

and find reasons they are associated with and the impact they have on me

this was like the touristic journey (inner) you take up to your mind's museum (just like the inner journey I describe in my foreword of my book "About you!". This is my favorite work!)...

this reflective inner work is hard reader, its painful, its dark and its full of lessons

reader you need to delve into pain, into your wounds so that you can bleed the light out of them..

its not easy, sometimes you feel that you lost your way

and you wonder what you should do whether you are on the right way

reader if you are feeling lost

it means you are on the correct way in your inner journey

you know you have darkness on your left, darkness in your right

darkness in front of you!

you feel lost, you feel dimensionless

but know that you are on the right way

even if you don't know where you are 

where you are knows you are there

so keep going on with your heart's guidance

it will tell you the right path!

what are eyes good for in the pitch black darkness?

(skipping mind's elusive lack of present)

Wilderness of your dark path, of stone

made up skipped regrets, jumping like a leaped frog  

with heaviness of sole existence's unresolved oath,

dawning full moon of reflections prevents the moments of growth.

shining on the false light's pride, on the sediments of trauma's goth, 

dragging happiness, yet so arrogant bragging on fake improvements of sloth.

skipped mind, skipped soul, slack on the happiness, black on the darkness...

yet I start again on black back again...

light of creators flame left in your eyes asking for another try amidst in your truth 

you are lost in your mind's forest, know that tree's around you bushe's on your sides

don't you know where you are? 

as where you are knows, where you are!

you are here in your mind! Your eyes cannot see here, follow your heart

see that this is the only real you can call as your reality.

After all, How can you be lost among your own creation? How can you be lost?

                                                                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: 165106 - Pixabay)

I hate the ads in Spotify, probably I will never buy all those products which show up themselves in my listening time! Sorry!



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