make your revolution your motion

 Dear Reader,

Today I woke up to saw the moon setting again..

it gave me a smile in my face 

as I was laying on my couch waking up to a day with watching moon

reader usually I fell a sleep on the couch because I cannot sleep in silence

so I open some sort of  video usually a long book of somesort 

and sleep to it...

today as I was meditating I came to a huge realization related to myself

all of a sudden fake walls of imposed ideas, thoughts that are not mine 

washed felt so light afterwards...

it was a realization of what is impregnated on me 

and the things I thought I want and how my ego has influence on this

reader being a sovereign is an hard accomplishment

no don't get me wrong I am not talking about being royal...

A royal might be royal but not sovereign...

sovereign I mention in here  

is whether you have won the greatest battle of all times

the battle within you!

reader if you are not freed from things you took in yourself

which binds you with unseen shackles, how can you realize and free yourself from

other abstracted notions we used to live in the societies we form?

achieving sovereignty is a long and painful process of realization and adjustments

its a long run of bettering and freeing of yourself 

cutting the bonds one by one

as you start this process you see how imprisoned you are

with the thoughts and ideas loaded to you

by your parents, by the education system, by your friends, by society, by the place you live in

there are many bondages programmed into you and the interesting thing is that most of these are accepted as normal

even though 

it suffocates you and your soul with invisible hands

after my meditation I started a bright day

felt like some sort of weight was lifted from my shoulders 

sun was majestic, I sat on the couch where the sun was hitting

and I warmed my bones and got happy like a cat

sun don't only gives light

it gives happiness and our food

the oxygen we breath

it shines life and blessings to the Earth....

reimbursement of  creepy shady attitudes.

Oh freed one! The sovereign one,

go on transpose these words made of light!

Start the rumble and rebel against 

the drastic weight of smeared ideas, 

grandiose dawn of the blight of soul entrapment.

reject shy bondage, break the invisible filthy shackles

tear down your walls, shout out to all mates

look within there you will find the creator of worlds

all along you were mightier than the demi-gods

just rise, just stand up and rise...

make your soul's promotion as your mind's revolution motion.

                                                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: JodyDellDavis - Pixabay)




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