They all weep under the rubbles of the future they were buried

 Hello Reader(s),

I am writing these words as I am watching the "The Big Lebowski" for the god knows what time

confidently I can tell you that it was more than 100

its a great movie if you have never saw it (its a must! - WATCH IT!!!)

 Obviously you are not a golfer!

It has great actors playing great music's too....

there is a poem below which I wrote in the midday 

it just came this way....its nor written while watching Lebowski...

see the point is every King was Dude before he came to be a King

Ha ha ha ha ha....

Reader, I am not feeling very well and to be honest not in the mood for writing a lot...

I am trying to uplift myself from this mood by watching something familiar something joyous and hopeful

so please have this thing I wrote for earlier today...

not a piece on divine matters but more of a outcome of 

self reflection and deep diving to memories...

its sad and grey a little bit like my mood..

Forgotten street's of my childhood are weeping under a pastel colored rainbows.

shedding tears like the explosion of tears inside; as if you were blamed unfairly 

just like you couldn't protect your innocence... byzantine marble columns's weep

rotten wooden houses weep, the scorpion you found under the stone in the backyard weep,

firecrackers you played with weep, the blue sea full of  bonito's and mackerel's weep, 

old fountain on the street weep, buried fantastic treasures in your dreams weep, 

your childhood mind's wide looking narrow streets weep...

They all weep under the rubbles of the future they were buried..

They weep how you remember them, how you associate them with the fears of  

heaviness of growing old..they weep how you remember them with death of a loved one

who looked after you all day...

they weep because you remember how you learned what poverty is among them

because they remember your beautiful mischievous smile, your joyous run while playing hide and seek on the ancient ruins...   

                                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: NiekVerlaan - Pixabay)





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