blind heart attacks I set loose for the blues

 Dear Reader,

Yes I have not been writing for a couple of days...

unfortunately, I have been occupied 

occupied by taking care of my sick son, 

unfortunately because he got sick

he had a very high fever still on going

hopefully its under control, doctor started him on antibiotics

cough, very high fever and no energy...

he has been burning in fever last 4 days 

day and night...hopefully he is better now

don't get me wrong he still has some fever...

he got such a serious infection...

so reader, I was not able to write

all my balance was lost for a while...

still I am not feeling well...

also old demons visited me once again

reader have you ever felt that you are not sure whether you are perceiving the things you perceive as  they really are or as if your mind was tricking you the thing as they are as something else?

have you ever tried to prove yourself that you are not dreaming things to make fact checks and see for yourself that you are not dreaming

does that make your heart race up crazy like a panic attack?

yes reader...its such a terrible experience

I hope you never got to experience such a thing in your life...

anyways, I have been having hard days because of the sickness of my son

and this terrible experiences I am having lately...

I thought that it will be way behind me 

but it seems that there is still things I need to shake from my mind...

reader all this business of searching for the inner light

was initiated with this experience...

so regardless how terrible the experience was...

it enabled me to find me! gain wisdom and inner peace

but still today it made my heart race like it was having a heart attack

reader, I am used to pushing my self to the limits of my body

due to the sports I have dealt with earlier...

I know how your heart can race when you have to run after hiking and climbing 2 complete days straight with  a couple of hours of uneasy rest and very little sustenance

so its been a challenging week  

oh reader I also need to tell you about some developments related to the blog

I have to be transparent as well on this

the blog is free as you know...

and everyday I am putting my effort to give you some stories, share my impressions and give a poem..

as the way its this blog is taking my at least couple of hours everyday...

I enjoy writing here but also I have to make it a self sustainable medium so that it can sustain itself and me as well...

obviously I enjoy doing this writing business..

but I don't earn as much from it so to self sustain itself even for the one tenth of the time I put in this blog...

I am trying to offer multitude of ways to the audience with the hopes that the blog might provide an income that would be sufficient for the self sustenance

so you find different options for helping me with that like merchandise, my books, other public domain books, buy me a coffee platform and many other projects I plan and share with you as well..

all these platforms bring some income but its not as much as you may think 

when we celebrate the first year of the blog all together I will share all these values with you with absolute transparency

so reader, in order to provide additional income I considered the advertisements for the blog

and applied the blogs advertisement platform for the suitability of my blog for the ads..

however, today I learned that my content is not suitable for their advertisement platform

I am guessing because of the nudity, language and adult related contents (such as booze, boobs, etc..)

also I agree that my content might not be suitable for every viewer 

but I don't want the blog to change or be bind to certain conditions due to the requirements

so I changed my mind on the advertisements..

I will try to keep the blog this way as long as I can...

so readers I appreciate your support in anyway...

trace of sacrifices filed on the unusual words of fried cloudy painted walls

restoration of the attention union, little people's big dreams, freaks ivory halls

millenia of mystery hidden in the shape, lost the meaning to many troubled visons

seized, binded, face of bondage suffocates heart's pleasure of the proof of happiness

face the brace, dirty deeds pace yearning for the minds eternal grace, serenely confirms

delusions on the run, escaped from the walls of your blind heart attacks I set loose for the blues

                                                                                                                      King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Sofy-dobe - Pixabay)





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