extinction's fermented crunchy sore

 Hello Reader,

Even though my daily posts are not being read by my dear reader from Germany anymore,

I am trying to find excuses to write, yes I am saddened a little bit on why they are not showing up anymore

but we have made it clear, this place is only for creativity itself

and there is no bind connecting writer and reader

both are sovereign so they can decide to read for the reader or stop reading

same also apply for writer, (me)

anyways I hope that reader is doing ok who ever they are 

so today I had a long drive and tomorrow I am going to have the same drive again

next day again...

I just had my meditation and I am feeling tired already

waking up early is catching up with me

Morpheus is calling me to sleep...

and before I sleep there are more tasks I need to complete

so reader, you will get used to this new rhythm as I am also getting used to

at least until I figure out the best scheduling suited for me

we can have short entries or only a single poem

so I will cut short and give you the poem of the day...

if you are wondering my son is better now, thanks god his fever is gone and his cough is getting milder

thanks for the readers whom send their get well wishes even if they thought this from their mind and not mentioned it to me...

good evening reader...

reptile mob precision in phaser fire

partners of exploration bid resident tire

no touch master's long ears technique

whitened extinction's fermented crunchy sore

small imperils perishable bet speech tore

trims of space expose silver concern chaos chore

hooks way build bull's years very special experience

                                                                 King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: MondejarFoto - Pixabay)





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