
 Dear Reader,

Last night I had a dream where it was made clear to me to 

mention my gratitude for the attention I received for this blog...

so reader here it goes 

thank you for your time and attention you gave to my blog..

I am grateful for your attention...

just in case if we had a bad communication on this front..

yes..reader I always mention, our relation is always a loose connection...and it flows two ways but

not in terms of opinion wise from you guys...the only thing you can do is to either to read or not to read

sometimes you may not agree on what I say here in the blog

that is ok...we don't need to agree on all opinions...and I don't have any expectations for you to give attention to my blog at all times

reader when you have regular readers who read you daily and all of a sudden they disappear

you worry about them and as the writer you feel responsible for their good being

and here I am not talking about readers whom come in a rush in large numbers and disappear all of a sudden

because that is a sudden attention...its ok...

but when people read you daily for months and if they disappear

that kind if thing bugs you...

see reader regardless how we are keeping our communication to a minimum 

we grow a bond by just writing and reading...and just by giving attention (1) 

and not giving attention (0) 

you are also part of this blog and your unseen influence is recorded in the history through the creations...

I am sorry if the things I said to you did not aligned well with you 

but it is what I think and sorry I don't have to mold into your thought patterns

this is what I think and if you are not ok with it that is ok!

thanks for the attention you provided until now... and goodbye for leaving.

in short regular reader this would probably be a terrible translation

Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! Ich habe mir Sorgen um dich gemacht. Es ist in Ordnung, wenn du aufhörst, den Blog zu lesen, und ich wünsche dir alles Gute, auch wenn ich nicht einmal eine Ahnung habe, wer du bist!

tonight we will have the regular special celebration and..

plus the story of pygmalion !

floating realms of existence, crowning the mind's unthought reality

until it found binds are shackled to mediocracy

walls are veiled around your hearts buried audacity

Sovereignty is hidden in the one last move of sincerity 

                                                                      King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Diarypow - Pixabay)




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