hailing rights aside all wrongs

 Dear Reader,

Today it was a very sunny and bright day...

Sun is heating my bones with all her glory...

spreading life and love...

Reader today I went to get some new pants for myself

and I went to this nearby city that is closely associated with my name

maybe in the summer I will move there 

its 45 minutes away from where I am at...

although the life and vibration of the city is extremely different than here

its a bright and happy place 

here you can feel through to your bones that 

there is sadness, pain and heaviness..

yes I have couple of reasons for the move

the first one is that I made a short term lease

and I want to be closer to where I need to drive everyday

making 300 km everyday does not help

its a nice city there, I really liked it

and its been my first time visiting there

don't get me wrong the city I am in is also 

so beautiful, rustic, old and full of memories

but if you have read my earlier entries, its gave way to lack of employment,

loosing its job opportunities and problems that came along with

diminishing economy...

reader I got three cheap pants for myself, one navy, one black and one khaki

the ones I had started to wear out...

usually, I don't buy new clothes unless my clothes become so old and worn out

or if I cannot wear them if I gained or lost to much weight

all these situations happen a lot to me

some periods I loose a lot of weight and some periods I gain some weight

and along these periods my clothes also worn out, mostly my t-shirts

worn out so quickly..pants as well

because I have this bad habit of doing handy work like repairs, garden work etc.

with whatever thing I have on me

most of the time it goes like this...

I come home from somewhere and I have these nice clothes on 

than I see something and go right away to repair it or do something in the garden etc.

in the end mostly I got that nice clothes or shoe to be ruined

lately, I am trying to loose this habit 

of course its completely emotional (lack of money)

reader I feel hungry, I need some snacks, 

yesterday I made pizza at home, with asparagus, shrimp, chestnut mushrooms, onion as toppings

it was soo good, there is a slice left I plan to eat that... yummy!

I am not sure if you have also recognized the stagnation in my writings reader

yes that is true there is a stagnation, and its not because I don't want to write

but its because I am hardly finding any energy to do something extra with my remaining time

reader all the things I live in my life also have a direct influence on what I put here as a piece

anyways if you recognized stagnation here its because of the new normal I am in

very busy and hard to find peaceful time 

so until I find my balance it seems this is going to be the new normal with blog

last week as you may recognized I skipped writing for couple of days...

not because I didn't want to write, I just collapsed and slept those days

not because I was sick, because my body was so tired that it just said stop and rest

so reader here we are on Saturday...one more holiday before the weekday

next week is going to be better because I had my rest this weekend

reader thank you for supporting me 

by reading my blog and buying the books

I am grateful 

evil fruit coating from hell race is on in inventor regret's

common mistake of hidden gems, launcher of deadly new medicine profits

powerful light quality spectrum of divination number bags made in regrets

trillions cheat, swap challenge, carry out affordable civilians, great scams

advances of false hero remain pungent, daytime punitive removal of opposition contracts

deploy efforts of bailing minds, hailing rights aside all wrongs of evils go sue chaining giants

lights of might shine from earthly rebels backed by god's angels, fed with light and milked by lions.

                                                                                                                            King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Emblem 11 from Atlanta Fugiens - 1617, Michael Maier)

NOTE: Every Moon needs a Sun, Every Sun needs a Moon
to break the bind
to pave the way
to Liberty!





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