in the age among the grand masters of sage

Dear Reader,

Today I came by an old photograph and the following poured...

Today I gazed into a old photograph of mine

he gazed from the back like a stranger to me

young with an insidious smile, I didn't recognized him with awe

as I was trying to make sense

he was lost in the background noise

you still haven't learned back then it was you to save

in the age among the grand masters of sage 

                                King H. Ironson


reader, I will try to write something else as well but obviously its clear 

that what is the point? No worries...I gave a promise earlier

its about Pygmalion...

a great story...I hope you come and check these out...

now as I am writing these words to you

I am sipping my beer (White Rabbit)

and listening to Weird Owl - White Hidden Fire (I love this song! - Great Band)

listening music is difficult with all those stupid advertisements from Spotify

I have to tell that all the ads they brought up to me as I am listening

those brands are loosing a customer...if you ask me its a stupid place to give ads..

reader it occured me today 

that I have changed a lot

especially last one year

hopefully its all for the good, its been a difficult journey that is still going on

I came so far to turn back....still battling in murky, muddy, swamp of my unhealed wounds

still pushing on...light started to become the new norm and i started to loose sight of it because the dark which gave the contrast is reduced

trying to pick up the pieces and try to reconstruct myself in a new way...

old ways are not working and there is no familiar feelings, places and things

nothing left to runaway from.

its kind of scary there is no warm fuzzy feelings of familiarity

and for some reason I am being pushed from the ledge to go on this new way

it feels like being pushed from the ledge when your feathers just popped, fluffed and barely sufficient to fly

scary...but unavoidable...we will see

you yearn for human touch but with the lack you learn to get used to hug yourself and to lick your own wounds...

(Photograph: Arduino - Pixabay)

Changed my mind Pygmalion is tomorrow!




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