million vibrations of lost scripture's echo

 Dear Reader,

I slept, slept, slept...

rested tested rested tested

hugged my self over and over again

cleaned up did my taxes, worked a bit

did my chores, did the shopping etc.

and wrote a little bit, than changed my mind on that topic

so left all those and restarted fresh again...

it was a more serious stuff I wrote earlier but

actually I didn't feel the mood so I left it 

than I start writing on something else and after a while 

I changed my mind on that too...

and all these are perfectly ok with me

even though I had to rewrite and start all over again...

reader I am not afraid of restarting

I am not afraid of change...

how about you? 

I asked this because usually change is not easy...

usually its perceived as a scary thing to do...

as you have front of your very eyes

my life changed in a big way

moved from my home from one province to another (and this is not my first province change here in Canada its the second time!)

a great change....a kind that requires change of many things..

and did this when everybody was moving away from where I am moving in...

so reader, change is necessary in life

only thing that does not change in life is "change"

so we all need to find the ways to live with it...

we need to find a relief on seeing change happening

if nothing is changing in your life than you should start to worry

you may tell me: "my life is so static writer its so stagnant there is no change"

but I am sure even you have not noticed

change is there...

in your life...even you have the most stagnant life

there is change, maybe you are closing your eyes to it

so that you feel comfortable in good old known things

which gave you the sense of belonging

although reader if you make "change" as one of your sense of belonging

you wouldn't feel strange at all!

if we can't accept and be happy with the change 

we keep ourselves away from the magic of present..

so we need to keep being in the change

strange rush drag tastes silver psycho

origin plant lifetime boosts profit nacho

witness heater gold drunk talking macho

million vibrations of lost scripture's echo 

                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Tama66 - Pixabay)

Reader - New Book Title is available from Renatus Des Cartes "Six Metaphysical Meditations" 



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