range of fish influx, ninety nine percent of chests lay

 Dear Reader,

I guess all together we have climbed the peak and now we are in descent..


I am talking about the blog views ha ha ha 

it used to be 500 per day now its 200ish

reader we can do 1000 I know ha ha ha 

woow man

I would never expect that this blog would attract 200 view per day yet alone 500

ha ha ha thanks a lot

it was ok 1-2 person per day as well 

thanks alot for the attendance

I wish reader from Germany was here to witness this corner stone

noodle and French fries day

ooh I forget to mention, I had some form of dizziness in the morning after my meditation

as I kneel down to water my plants by the window... my head felt light and I lost my balance

it was so weird I was able to get on the balance just because my body knows the move it need to do

but in a weird way the signals of balance was kind of incorrect

this persisted until recently...so I was laying down

because kneeling down forward or sides terribly upset my balance making me dizzy

for a while I drove to gas station to fill up my tank for tomorrow

but as I moved towards the nozzle to pick it up

the world swirled around me 

it was a near fall on the concrete

I just hold the pump it was weird

I am not sure what it is causing this

so reader I am listening to myself at the moment

and try to understand whether I am ok or not

if this thing persist I will need to arrange to see a doctor

of course if I will be lucky to see one a-bout a month

reader, reader, reader

I forget to celebrate your Easter! Happy Easter! dear reader

regardless of how and why you celebrate your Easter!

happy spring! 

resurrection kitchen yearning for the May day

flash of light than you're done for five years at nay without a say

reviving angels created in an angle grind the grid seeking pay

range of fish influx, ninety nine percent of chests lay

dizzy serves an expert poor, lacks tax screams come true way

breaches spring floods and droughts gave way to tranquility pray

                                                                           King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Postcard - Easter Bunny 1907 - author N/A, source link is on the image, Public Domain in U.S.A.)

searching the old books
in order to prove my sanity!
It's not looking good!
Spring suck me in!




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