binding the dreams into realities

 Dear Reader,

Yesterday, I passed out around eight and woke up next morning at 9:30....

Its been straight 13 hours of sleep...That was the reason I did not wrote yesterday if you are wondering

It was some driving yesterday, I drove to the big city next to us which is around 75 km away from where I am chores and checking the new place that I can move to reduce my driving

actually yesterday I was planning to write you the new experience I had in my meditation

my body said have to rest big time...

when I wake up I had this pain on my neck...

now I cannot move it to right side, it gives me great pain to do so...

its because I slept on the couch and the door of the balcony was open

probably my neck was struck with the cold air current

 tomorrow I can tell now that the drive is going to be painful

reader, yesterday I was blessed to do my meditation in the morning

and it was a focussed meditation after a long time...

unfortunately because of being so tired and with a clogged nose

my meditations were relieving, serene but not as deep as they used to be

reader meditation and looking within to the depths of your soul is like climbing a mountain

you climb that mountain alone, its tiring, it requires constant effort...

most of the times the view you have is the same, sometimes your view is blocked by cliffs

sometimes you have majestic views of reality that gave you an aha moment

sometimes you feel like you are lost, scared and anxious if you fell into fear

sometimes you cannot see the sun, sometimes you feel the great weight of loneliness

its the journey you took its constantly changing even though sometimes you might feel stagnation.

the experience is familiar yet sometime very unfamiliar yet you know its foundationally a part of you that you are not aware

I hear, watch and read the people talking only on the majestic moment of the self journey

but reader the naked truth is the feeling is humbling

very sincere

yes there are moments and times you feel that majestic glory with some instants

like you came up to a point where you can see the landscapes from above

and see the height and difficulty of the path you came 

and also the path you need to take up

reader this is a humbling, sincere journey

don't expect to be glorified in every instant

the key is to not to give up

dear reader, yesterday in my meditation I have come to see the light giving flame inside of me

which I have seen before as well

but this time it was I was able to see it from a far 

with its enclosement

just like watching my inner moving power with a different set of eyes

as its been stagnant meditations over and over lately

it brings up the feelings and anxieties of

whether I lost the connection with my 

inner flame..

reader as I was relieved by recognizing my inner flame intact

I also recognized that it was enclosed and it is protected within me 

as my meditation progressed I have sunk into another realm

where all the light was sucked and I experienced another inner landscape

where you can see afar, 

yes I also have been inside this pitch dark corner of my mind as well

but I have not seen it from this perspective

first I grown in a flame that burned within me which I was not aware of

it was a pitch black flame very weird

looks like the light giving flame but this one seems just the opposite..

although it did not feel scary or bad 

it felt more like the flame of nothingness

the source, essence of everything, the inner power that initiates everything to came to be

as there is light reader there is dark

they transform to one another

reader this dark flame was also enclosed like the other light flame I knew 

as I see this reader 

it hit me big time....

everything in duality, everything is in cycles

even your meditation, in order to boost up the light inside you

you need to be in the dark

as your meditation progress you will focus to the light inside of you

but not all the time...

because there will be also periods you will focus to the dark inside of you

you need that dark side to create and make things come into being

dark flame

it was a weird experience

I understood that this is the period of looking in my dark self in my meditation

in order to be in the sill of your mind and heart

you need to have the control of both your light flame 

and dark flame...

like the shadow of my light flame

one cannot exist without the other

response you get on the crossroads

a great spark to be relieved in space betweens

speak's of unwritten dialogues fuelled with urges

a blossoming realm of hearts domain in mind's visions

feel of home in stranger's faces with familiar nuances

miracles of strong connection, binding the dreams into realities

                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Kissearth - Pixabay)






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