ethereal tables with swell rebates

 Dear Reader,

Its been a home day today, tomorrow I have the drive...

Gas prices are crazy lately...its not pretty

reader I was not able to write this last night because I fell a sleep

and today the drive was horrific because it was rainy and the road was full with trucks

working far away from where you live is not a good idea for the commute cost

in your health and budget..

this morning I woke up at the time normally I take off from home

because I forget to set my alarm clock for some reason...

and all of a sudden I wake up and than panicked

It took 15 minutes to shave and get ready...and head out

yes I shave everyday....I am old headed on that front

but in the weekends and work from home days I don't shave

reader its not easy to adjust to new work situation because the commute is taking my hours

not the work itself

when you start a day just like this it does not go well

as I was heading out I felt a weird blockage in my throat

like it was sore and felt that it hurt and find it hard to swallow

as I drove to work sipping my coffee

it softened but when I reached my destination

I checked my phone and saw a message from my former colleague 

informing me the death of my Ph.D. supervisor,

i felt sad....she was not that old...and I couldn't remember when was the last time I saw her

so reader, today was one of those days...

it was raining and a dark weather as I drove to work...

I knew something was off today...

now I am at home resting and craving some snacks

snack that I cannot figure

I want something but not sure what it is 

I got a sour taste in my tongue today...

and I remembered the thing I wrote the other day

"a deadly scam moon light turns you into delicacy of monstrous cruel foie"

felt like those geese 

that are hypnotized by a fake moon light

on a moonless night

before they were

submittingly slaughtered for

their liver...


seductive chores, scooping could's of would's

expensive vicious, lores, looping fineprint bites

invasive boring news catastrophic blunt rites

ethereal tables with swell rebates acquittal changes

                                                    King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: Wyxina-Pixabay)





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