scam moon light turns you into delicacy

 Dear Reader,

Today, I had one aha moment in my meditation...

Lately, I am in a stagnant place and I am not sure how to proceed things in life

according to the light (inner light) of changes happening for me inside

a vision was presented to me in a dream state..

there were puppets controlled by puppets controlled by puppets controlled by puppets

each and every one is connected to one another by strings 

strings that controlled their moves, controlled where they should be 

they move endlessly,

puppets are on the stage but the audience seats are not visible 

so the puppets cannot see who is watching them 

because of the great lights directed to the stage

poor puppets cannot also see all these invisible strings and the other puppet that control them

the invisible strings prevent the puppets to run away or to do what they want to do..

light of the stage is blinding its confusing for puppets to understand their own nature

and the things that they can do on their own, because of the binds and confusion 

puppets moved along the rhythm of the strings that bind them

not happy nor sad 

how can you know the value of liberty and sovereignty if you have not experienced it?

It was the same thing with the puppets

they were only playing along with the part given to them with the strings, they were incapable of seeing or experiencing the grand play at work on the stage

they cannot see the watchers, audience in the darkness

all their life was the play

then I realised that one of the muppets had a knife in its hand

and because its strings were entangled with another muppets string

accidentally it cut one of its binding strings

this caused an in balance in its move and resulted cutting all of its bind

without muppets recollection and miraculously setting it free

poor muppet was not aware

it was still moving and going on with its regular move as it has been directed with the strings

weird seems like the rhythm got hold on the muppets

even they don't have the strings 

they keep up and do their play on the stage

although this muppet who has been freed from the binds was still on the stage

and still doing the moves of the play it is in

how can you blame it, 

all the moves and the stage has been all it had knew of since it existed

our freed up muppet was free but its mind required a great smack 

so that it became aware that it was free from the strings

and that happens by the help of one of the string that he cut accidentally, strangled to one of his feet and made him fall from the stage

there in the darkness muppet stayed on the ground...

it thought that it died 

but it can still hear and feel the movements of the other muppets

and flashes of light coming from the stage

when our freed muppet decided to stand up

it saw an endless stars and a majestic black womb

of the universe...pitch darkness with other stars that had other stages with other muppets 

than it turned to its back to see the stage it was dancing before...

instinctually it moved back to the stage and move to where it was before

but the things it experienced changed it greatly

it went to its place and continued to do the moves in the play as it was doing like it was attached with the strings

although after a while he started to experience with other moves that he has not done before

as the time passed our muppet take its time to watch this grand play from a distant rather than participating

at first it was happy and feeling great that it learned the truth

but regardless of how it tried the other muppets only looked at it like it was crazy and 

as it was not a good functioning muppet...

our free muppet became distant to the stupid play and dance of the other muppets.

although it was alone, even though it didn't want to participate the game 

it did participate because it did not want to be alone

it wished that other muppets also freed themselves and it would have someone 

that it can share the things it learned...

I watched as the muppet struggled and yearn for companionship

someone to share

a deadly scam moon light turns you into delicacy of monstrous cruel foie

endangered rare black wood chopped and buttoned with silver for the rhythm of life

artificial pearl babies bleached on lye to loose their oystership to grow neck charm on a tie

bison meat for efficient ripping of poor animal's only skin for a dress fantasie

what ever we touch turns to death, a game, scam, fear and a lie

                                                                          King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Janeb13 - Pixabay)




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