skip challenges in seven stages

 Dear Reader,

Yesterday, I was occupied and did not find any time to write

but today I am rested and have some time ...

so we can chit chat a little..

reader tomorrow we expect a very rainy day here

so I need to be extra cautious on the roads...

some days driving is enjoyable some days it is really a pain

especially if there is high volume of traffic

reader up here in North things get out of control

especially in terms of safety, 

every other day you hear more news of car thefts

now the car thieves are more courageous

they tag your car find out your home, regardless whether your car is 

in your closed garage, or parked in the driveway,

they break in to your house as a pack

and get the keys than leave

they are not afraid of anything...

if for some reason as the owner of your property

you confront the thieves and get into a fight and somehow get to hurt

the thieves who are breaking in your property 

than you find yourself in trouble with the law!

Yes you heard me right! 

lately everybody is making fun of the Police chief who said in the news 

to put the car's key fobs close to the door, so as the owner of the house 

you don't confront with the thieves!

of course drink a glass of cold water after your car

because no body is catching the thieves and no body is finding your car!

Lately, I have heard a news of a family whom fell to be the victim of such theft

in broad daylight in the gas station

the family stops by a gas station, the wife is sitting in the passenger seat and in the back seats the kids

they stop in the gas station, the man gets out to fill in gas

the thieves followed them behind with another car

they fight the man get the keys and get in the vehicle

wife starts to fight inside the vehicle to prevent the vehicle to move

so that she can save her kids, she fights with the thief in the vehicle 

on the other hand her husband is confronted with other thieves ("s" multiple)

so the wife manages to slow down the thief and could get her kids from the back seat

and she calls the police to inform the theft, than she runs to confront with the thieves to help

her husband...a thief got hurt

and now she, "the wife" was sentenced for one year prison sentence!?

if this is true what kind of a justice is this?

I want to remind that providing safety for the citizens is the most core duty of a government!

if you fail to provide such basic duty, than you cannot come and ask for tax? 

can you?

because if you collect the tax and if you do not do the duties?

than come after the good citizens whom are trying to follow the laws 

what are we going to call this "tax" collected? 

even the mobs extort money with the promise of a protection!

no protection, no safety, and just keep calm! let your everything go! don't confront!

what kind of a scam is this?

these unfortunate news and happenings are questioned by everyone!

because government is lacking with the solution thieves and unlawful people become more courageous every day!

very weird and difficult times!

Handcrafted worthless chains 

Action on the line rains

burps and suburbs aches in pains

chocolate sentenced to unhappiness

sponsored moment's jerks

skip challenges in seven stages

                        King H. Ironson

(Image: AI generated - - "Today's poem was used as word description in the creation of this image")

Note: Just checking in 
whether AI gets me?





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