Rare wilderness jenerators

 Dear Reader,

I have been busy doing things...

Spring is here and summer preparations are on the way

for instance, I need to find a new place to live until the mid of July..

the lawn is grown so I had to get a new lawn mower, last season

by the end of the season I burnt the motor of my lawn mower 

so I was checking good deals for the lawn mowers.

this weekend I got one and an impact wrench as well because 

I also had to change the winter tires...and I am already exhausted from the drive

so it would be extremely overload to open all the lug nuts and than tighten them once the tires are changed..

reader, I have mown the lawn and changed my tires..

today I drove over 300 km worked, came back home

the weather was majestic

don't get me wrong I am not complaining 

looking forward to get a dog and sunny summer.

Planting flowers and enjoy the warm beautiful summer days.

I had the plan to write about the "words" and "formation of existence" with you

in the weekend but unfortunately I didn't have the energy and time..

reader I feel a little bit drained, I need to fill my self with sunshine and love

so that I can give more...and rest as well

because I feel tired, in order to be retired again

first I need to rest.

Piano shots walking tent stars

Rare wilderness jenerators

Ten hen knocks as imposters

Simple pimple resonance basics

Ovulation election launch pro-cabins

Life is here relieve future's expectations

and yesterday's topics.

set your memory to fish bliss

                        King H. Ironson

(Image: Geralt - Pixabay)






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