rebate on my mind's purple haze

 Dear Reader,

We meet here once again to celebrate Love...

Inanna...everything starts and ends with you

Today I will be doing my humble celebration for

my beloved morning star Ishtar,

my heart's queen of heaven...eternal Love

I will celebrate what it means to us by

devoting a poem and an environmentally friendly nude

on its honor...

private fate lend on a kite with word's rite

blue iterate rebate on my mind's purple haze 

me in self love rave hidden deep in fate's cave

soul's gate close with hate a sour taste in life's palette

in love state once equate passionate being 

come clean your inconsiderate dark slate

listen love in your heart don't anticipate 

appreciate love be in the moment's miracle ilustrate

                                                                  King H. Ironson       

(Painting: The Nude Snake Charmer circa 1880, 
Paul Désiré Trouillebert  (1829–1900), public domain in U.S.A., image source link is given on the image)



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