urge to catch periodically moving fast objects

 Dear Reader,

I felt to urge to write, actually i was not planning to write

but here we are...I guess its because I have missed to write

actually I told you that there will be a writing for "words"

not sure whether its this day...we will see

my hands took the stage pushing each letter one at a time

the control is not with me they lead the way...

yes I know its some kind of a surprise what we will get in the end

as observers we should not have any expectations so the surprise 

would not be ruined...reader..today was a great day it was sunny

big changes are on the horizon..weather is good and I am looking to get a dog

not sure what kind probably big ass Labrador retriever or a German shepherd

I was considering to get a Border collie but I guess after my interactions with Labs..

my mind is changed...I have dealt with many different dog breeds and Labs were so special

I want to have ever loving friend like Sponge Bob's Patrick...

dog version of it....I want to do long walks, hikes with it...

Black Labrador is what I want...ever loving and goofy

I also want a black cat as well...

maybe if I get both of them when they are kid they might think they are siblings

we might have the greatest group human, cat and a dog

the only missing animal would be a donkey...

I wish I had a donkey friend....the eyes of donkey's are beautiful

and some stranger's eyes might also be beautiful

eyes are dangerous reader 

they can drown you....be carefull

reader I feel like to snack but its midnight already

not a good thing to eat at this hour

but I just can't help my self...

feeling like a dog...my mouth salivates when I watch good food on the tv..

usually it gives me the urge to lick the tv screen

don't get me wrong sometimes I feel like a bear as well

I cuddle my self when I hibernate

you might wonder what I am snacking

chocolate chip cookies and milk

one of the cookie I got from the package had a deformed shape

production error...it was bean shaped unlike the regular round ones

it was the black sheep of the cookies...

of course I welcomed it 

devoured it and washed it with white milk

probably after its disassembled by my teeth 

it thought oh no...I am moving towards a black hole 

or maybe it thought oh I am travelling with white clouds 

am I going to heaven?

one thing I knew for sure some piece of it will be inside me

and reader you can tell that my 0.00000001% is made of chocolate chip cookie

if you evaluate everything you experience as material things 

yes its true that we are made of things we eat....

and all of our cells die/regenerate and renew every once in a while...

so we constantly change what we are according to this

when I was a baby I was mostly baby food and my mom's milk

as I grew up I started to become more mixed

because as my teeth grow, my mom probably gave me other stuff

fruits, meats, whatever...

reader I wonder what you are...

yes I am asking what you ate lately?

weird isn't it...my cookies finished I ate two of them 

so I must be 0.00000002% chocolate chip cookie now

I want to drink another glass of milk and make my self 0.00000003% chocolate chip cookie

but there is a problem with this theory because what happens to chocolate chip cookie after we ate them

it becomes us...so does it mean 

if i eat a chocolate chip cookie I became the chocolate chip cookie and the chocolate chip cookie becomes me? 


but isn't it weird if I am feeling like a dog, bear or a cat from time to time

I never ate them but I have the feeling of a bear hibernating

especially when I am yawning and sleeping on my coach

or when I had the urge to catch periodically moving fast objects I have the great feeling of being a zoomed cat...or devouring chocolate chip cookies with saliva dripping my chin I feel like a dog...

yes yes...

I am going to extend this to shower...when I shower I sing like a happy bird in a birth bath...

or when I look in Love, my eyes are like donkey's eyes....

but reader I didn't eat these animals to have these properties of theirs...

reader there must be something else

an essence....we observe from things...an essence related to us....

not physical....but uniquely belong to us

reader in order to explain to you we are more than what our eyes see, hands can touch, tongue can lick, and our noses to smell (sorry my fart!)...

these are all material...there is more to us than the define we make with those limited sensory organs

let's imagine if I am together with a person with no sight, no hearing, no hands, no sense of taste; is trying to get to know me with their only available sensory organ...

"that person will know me as an abomination"

why? it can be easily answered reader

because "I OWN MY FARTS!"

but if we consider this situation as a question..

does farts represent me?

some what to a degree... but I know that there are far more worse farter's all around!

reader to explain the essence we have in us 

I went to great lengths and ate all those cookies at midnight

because of that now I will see nightmares

probably the cookies will chase me in my night mare

they might throw chocolate chips at my head

oh nooo! milk is closing my eyes

no poetry tonight

I am bloated with milk...



(Photograph: Marian_Domnina - Pixabay) 






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