my black fur ball of joy

 Dear Reader,

I am writing this words to you as I am hugging a black labrador retriever puppy..

Its my puppy, she is a female and we bonded right away with her...

Its her first night with me and she is snuggling under my arm for warmth.

Finally, Inanna gave me unconditional love beside the flame she lit inside me

for self love...

reader I am writing tonight solely for Inanna

and the Love she gifted us 

feeding our soul with serenity and 

making our days bright 

feeding us with light and joy...

so reader tonight I celebrate Love

and all the things it bring to our life

with a single poem and an environmentally friendly nude

my black fur ball of joy

snagging my hand 

creator of the words...

god sent love 

my black fur ball of rebel

bragging my mind

obliterator of the discord

god sent shake

            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: girl from the Follies Bergere = circa 1920, Stanislaus Walery (1863-1935), Public Domain in U.S.A. - Source link is given on the image)


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