Hi! King Here!

Hello Dear Readers,

This is King, today is my birthday! YaY! 

Today, I take the decision to take you to my poetic journey with a blog! 

I will attempt share my writing journey with you, I hope you guys enjoy it. 

Here, you will find my inspirations and things that give me the urge to write.

In regard to my errors and mistakes due to my insufficient knowledge of technology, 

I would like to apologize from you in advance. This will be a very new frontier to discover.

Oh before I forget you will also find some great music, wine, beer and book recommendations, also 

many other beautiful things here as well. 

I want to end my mambo jambo here with a new poem I wrote today for my new book project.

This one popped into my mind as I was trying to slack the work today in my office.

I remembered how my published poetry books all  started. It made me remember!

Emotions are principal components for assembling of words in a way to create combinations, 

that can sparkle a feel in the reader. Of course there are many other important ingredients as well, 

for instance booze, women, great music etc. 

Anyways, at that moment in my mind I have travelled back in time approximately 3

years ago to a day which initiate a massive change and enlightenment process in me.  

Though, it was so far the most painful years of my life. 

Saying this is not easy because I have been down and in the deep before with serious problems which

nearly took my life, but this time was so far the worst. 

Anyways, maybe I will talk about you on these later.    

Here take a sneak peak ;) and 

Welcome to my blog! 

I hope it will not end as a blow!

I am writing,


You are,



I am writing,

In Misery,

You are,



               17.03.2023      King H. Ironson 

(Image: AI)



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