doomed spaces - doomed species

 Hello Dear,

"...I make thee whole;

I bind thy wounds, O little vanished soul.

This wound and this I heal with linen white:

O emptiness of aid! . . . Yet let the rite

Be spoken...."

                    (From: The Trojan Women By Euripides)

As of poets of old days here we talk about our consciousness

as it was a thing of the past...

What a unsettling idea that we have lost the hang of it 

thorough out time....

instead of evolving on that end.

we are turning into mediocre creatures that can be replaced to machines...

I am not sure if this is the case of transferring of our consciousness to a silicon based unity...

we can't

and we shouldn't!

why !!!!

Because we cannot let the silicon based consciousness to self replicate if we don't need to be extinct.

And if we play our hand on the side of a silicon based consciousness without a replication we will still be extinct in the end...

because it will want to self replicate and find the ways to do it after it acquired consciousness, 

Even we prevent it to acquire self replication capability, as the way it is 

it is prompting us to reconsider our economies and population...

we loose again, because the complete transformation to machine based white collar jobs already initiated...

Blue collar and pink collar jobs are already went into survival mode...

No one is safe....

even doctors, even engineers, scientist..

we already started to use AI in our daily lifes, translations, grammar corrections, art

even I have been using amazing images that AI platforms are capable of creating...

we are in the brink of a mega shift that will shake the fuck off the society...

and everybody is singing and dancing to its tune...


We are still a long way to that of AI taking consciousness but it is not as distant as it may seem..

We are in the brink and we need to make serious decisions...

this shift might push as further in our own enlightenment and awakening as species if we manage to make good decisions

if we choose to fall in the trap of the same errors and go on the same direction as the previous shift (Check my previous writing about this here!)  

we will loose our brain capacity greatly and will return to dark ages soon 

at the first great problem we might encounter with the running of the technology...

Assuming that the people will be dependent of the AI driven technology in all walks of life and they will take the role of regulation of this technology.

Unfortunately, this kind of set up might reduce the way we use our brains as we did when we were discovering these technology...

Just like we lost the fine handcraftsmanship of the last shift when we leave the job to the the machines in the industrial revolution...

If we give the thinking to the machines how can we expect to have the same intellectual, thinking and creating capacity in the long run....

Imagine we all depend on this technology! 

for a while nobody works and just works in the newly created jobs which actually does not require the humans at all...

Lets assume that all the production, distribution is done with the AI driven technologies and lets think that even the machines build and replaces themselves if they ever break down...

Imagine that all the production and welfare created by this technologies are shared equally in local communities that are ever more connected with one another...

This type of system will of course initiate society management by AI as well...which will control the population rate according to productive output or local resources in one region..

After generations get used to this kind of life style after couple of generations...

Break down of this system with a virus code or with a physical act like big solar flare and/or undesirable magnetic effect a disaster of natural kind...

we might be doomed as species...

return to ground zero....

We should choose the option to extend our brains 

not the one that diminishes it!!!

oh baby we are in doomed spaces

oh baby we are a doomed species

we always try to bite larger than we can chew..

we always fuck up and hope we don't blow..

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Image: Cottonbro Studio)

Note: I will write again don't
worry we will make our 
sacrifice to Freitag!



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