Black Balls

 Hello Null and All,

After 40+ years, I have learned, something very important about myself.

It was realization that, I have an attachment issues to black haired things which are full of shit!

Take black balls for instance,

Who is "Black Balls", its a Labrador retriever who is named something else. 

I took care of it about a month in last summer!

I named him "Black Balls" because he was a male incarcerated dog :(

anyways, it was really fun when I was yelling in the backyard to him "BLACK BALLS COME HERE!!!"

All the neighbors were closing the ears of their kids!

Where were we....


Black Balls had an obsession with Tennis balls.

All the time he used to find the tennis balls from the place I hid them.

He carried the balls to his bed and cared for them.

He licked them and kept them airy and fresh as if they were his balls.

It was weird to me the obsession of male dogs with tennis balls. 

One day it hit me really hard!

The dogs were color blind!

They don't see the tennis balls yellow, they see them as a dark ball!

It broke my heart as I realized that why he was so obsessed with the tennis balls

because, his small black balls were taken away from him by a monster Vet.

It made me shed a tear for the small "Black Balls" of "Black Balls"!

RIP: "Black Balls" of "Black Balls"

That monster vet. made "Black Balls" without "Black Balls"

This realization I came to understand for "Black Balls" didn't only broke my heart, before he went back to his real owner and his real identity (name), he also broke my ribs.

In his last day with me he made me fall on the concrete on my chest as he charged to save a tennis ball from the hands of a Squirrel.

I was not even mad at him while I was in pain hardly breathing with my broke ribs.

It was a terrible thing to have broken ribs because you cannot laugh, breath deeply, hick up, yawn deeply or sneeze. It gives a huge pain if one of those are necessary.

I am not even talking about the pain while you are lying or trying to get up back to your feet!

Don't consider breaking your ribs! Consider breaking something else for instance your heart!

It would be an easier pain.

Anyways, I still remember the last summer with him.

Him being "Black Balls"

He was always so proud after he shit on the alley when I took him to walk in the mornings.

He used to look at me like..

"Look what I have done for you!

(The thing he did for me being a pile of "Shit" still hot and steaming!)

Collect my shit of gold like you did yesterday and the day before."

There is a connection made with you and your four pawed friends as you collect their hot shit from the ground.

They always understand the value you gave to them.

Imagine one person is always taking up your shit and imagine that you think that they are collecting it.

Of course "Black Balls" was not very intellectual and he was not able to discuss philosophy with me nor distinguish organic rubbish bin with a treasure chest!

 So the way you connect and form attachment to black haired things

comes from 

holding their fresh shit

first thing every morning!

 A grand realization of what lies behind my attachment issues!

No Shit !

No Attachment !

When it was the time to give back "Black Balls" to his real owner. 

We went to his place knocked the guys door, he opened the door and called his dog with its real name

though it took a long time "Black Balls" to understand what its real owner was saying.

I couldn't laugh because my ribs were broken...

(BLACK BALLS   - At a time when he took control of the TV - Photograph: King H. Ironson)

Carried in a lorry,

Don’t be sorry,

You are a dog named Murray.

Your shit’s like a slurry,

It smells like a curry,

You are dog named Murray.

An ass-hole, who looks blurry,

Blessed with a grumpy,

You are dog named Murray,

Your looks are so gloomy,

Don’t be so corny,

You are dog named Murray,

Leave my knee alone,


                                                King H. Ironson

(FYI: Murray is not "Black Balls", The Name I gave to Murray is "HIS ROYAL POOPNESS")


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