saan kaiken valmiiksi

 Hello you, he, they, she, may, say, lay, way, pay, no-way....


I started to write earlier today....

King needs his beauty sleep....


He has red eyes,


bad vibes 

all along :)

Due to lack of sleep...

My brain farts turned to regular farts...

I don't want to choke my self to death

gasping for air in here....

So, hopefully, tonight I will finish everything

in a timely manner like I bill Finnish something.

"Joten toivottavasti tänä iltana saan kaiken valmiiksi

 ajoissa, kuten laskutan suomeksi jotain."

Let me know how terrible is my Finnish translation...

Don't worry if its a terrible translation I am not going to own the blame...

instead I will write a complaint letter to google translate ;)


Like most of the sensible, reliable, loveable people.... 

My dear readers let me introduce you another poem

which is a very weird weird poem...

written in the most unusual location and in situation...

Which is a poem in the sill

A sill between this world and the others..

A black haired girl

with a very small

mystic stand on stall

an incense smell

red ruby lips kill

love will


take this spell

don't be still

A black haired girl

with a very small

mystic stand on stall

tarot cards spill

blue eyes thrill

love will


take this fall

don't be small

A black haired girl

with a very small

mystic stand on stall

magic scroll

white skin snowfall

love will


doors of hell

don't be an oddball.

                King H. Ironson

This one is about a paper I received from a black haired girl in my dream...

The paper contained gibberish writings....First, I thought she handed me her number

but when I decoded it in the 3rd dimension...I understood that it was a binding

spell.. I returned to the dream and climbed to the astral plane, I will not mention which..

The stall was gone.....The paper still contained gibberish there...The stall was black

an incense burned on top, behind a girl, black haired, blue eyed with tattoos...the creatures around don't 

seem to get the description...I recalled sealed demons to find her...No where to be found...

Finally one of the  demons came to tell me she is returned to 3rd dimension...

I locked the demons with my seals...

Returned to 3rd dimension in my light body 

and waked my self by sending myself back in my dream to tell my 3rd 

dimension self that I need to awaken in all the superimposed realities.... awaken and be the light...

I told my sleeping self by my self sent back to myself by my light body...

"You need to wake up...."

"Real is hurt full" "real is scam"

"You are light"

"You are love"

"You are wisdom"

"Wake up others"

"give them a helping hand"

(Photograph: Fitz W. Guerin -1910) 



I will try to inform you about the new published books also here!

You will be able to find the permanent links in the Books page!

If you are interested in buying them thank you very much for your support!


"Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt" By Lewis Spence



"Memories and Adventures" By Arthur Conan Doyle



"The Argonautica" By Apollonius Rhodius


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