Butterfly Valley

 Hello All,

It is such a hot day, I decided not to pursue lawn mowing...

instead I am eating strawberries and applying to the jobs

sweating out and sitting under the gazebo..

There are two things that are joyful among the four things I am doing..

a well balanced situation...

if you are wondering I have not trimmed my beard

I am like a caveman

no cologne as well...

look like a hermit possibly...

oh I can really be in the "butterfly valley" right now...

drinking beer and watching the waves wash over small stones to the beach

its just like being on the vagina of the earth...

"orgasmic" experience

away from amenities 

a place that you can go by a boat...

or a dangerous decent from the rocks

you just eat good food, drink and have salty water on your skin all day...

salt of the sea dries up on you

and at evening you make a fire with the washed up woods and the wood you gather around...

people come dance with the fire

make love 

watch the moon

a place where people help and watch one another...

broke people mostly...

punks, drunkards, addicts, mentally ill people

its a safe heaven a place to rest...

a place to heal themselves

just like the endemic butterflies get out of their cocoon in this valley...

the valley also served as a cocoon for these people 

a womb to rest and heal...

Once I was there after a serious break down and I was drinking a lot in long evenings until I loose my self 

doing all the craziness of over consumption of alcohol

including but not limited to spinning fire wands drunk at pitch dark

you party all night and ending up sleeping somewhere alone or with a women

It was one of the early morning after those nights...

I wake up early with the sun...

on the beach next to my tent...

Its really hot there not like Canada

so you cannot just enjoy sun licking your face in the mornings...

it heats you up to the core...

I woke up still not sober from the night before, and I attempted to go to shared bathroom on the backside of the bar and general dining area under the wines... and peach orchard

my tent was close at the other end of the beach

So I need to walk to the other end of the beach and behind the orchard towards the water source

the water is coming from a waterfall up in the valley and all the butterflies were there

as I was walking drunk bare feet (each night I loose my beach slippers there to be found next morning somewhere on the beach)

I came by a coiled green snake, I was nearly stepping on it...

with an automatic reflex I stopped, as I remember I was still drunk

it was hissing and staring at me

I stared back as i can hardly make my balance on my two feet leaning to the front and back 

 the snake had two red marks on the side of its eyes...

it looked intimidating probably a kind of viper...

I remember saying "look man I cannot deal with you now, I have to go! See you later !"

than I moved to the side and continued to the bathroom..

that moment just popped in my mind...

I don't know why

beautiful things...

there was a makeshift bar that only served beer, vodka and raki, 

it was under the shade of grape wines, where there were tables which were old picnic tables with lots of carved names 

things shapes, poems..

abused and used just like the people there

the sun sets just on the center of the horizon in the valley especially by the mid june to end of july...

its the time when you had your couple of pints and ending the day with one more pint before the lunch

listening to "shine on you crazy diamond" with all the lunatics lost in their confused minds

watching another beautiful day slip by in their miserable life...

I was not aware at the time that I would have to meet with that serpent once again in my life 

and learn how to get along with it.


(Photograph: Butterfly Valley from air Alexey Komissarov)


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