
 Hello Dear Reader,

I hope you had a great day,

Probably, you are tired and spending your evening for the last push of the week.

One more day and you will be free for two days,.,

Than you will party maybe, toast to Dionysus, drink some wine and ease the heaviness on your shoulder...

Get ready for the next push....

Oh I know...How it felt...

I am clear of it for a month now but

anxiety initiated by cost of living pushing me again towards that vile and vicious cycle....

Even though we should feel happy with our modern slavery...

considering other kind of poverty initiated slaveries still going on in some countries. 

Countries which created "fake lala-lands" through "abusing of natural resources" and "poverty"

These countries considers themselves "rich", "modern" and "free"....???

If you want to learn about  a "more" real slavery that is still going on our today's world check this documentary...

Actually, I brought this up because of literature student "Aleph" reached me from twitter to promote 

her work and raise a concern among "human beings" on this topic...Please check Aleph's work here!

Unfortunately, as humans we developed civilizations, we went to the moon, we have cured many diseases, we are in the brink of being a space faring species...

Although, we got many things wrong....

We live in the same planet, we are probably evolved from same ancestors but we couldn't free ourselves from the shackles of our mediocrity of our own "faulty" ways...

Instead of using our differences as our richness we use them to produce clashes and abusing of the "other",  "different" the one that is "unlucky" to born into poverty.

Unfortunately, none of us is any "different" on that department...

Lucky abuses the unlucky...

Richer abuses less richer...

Wise abuses ignorant...

We step on one another's shoulder to raise ourselves....

Just like we stepped on the shoulder of the earth and other organisms to create our civilizations.

we just don't care...

we have all the ways to see these inequalities in our ever connected world and probably ways to solve all these issues

but instead we choose to close our eyes... or cannot see the drama happening in the next corner of the world...

How can we save our planet; if we cannot save ourselves to begin with?  

How can we stop to abusing the earth and other creatures on it; if we cannot stop abusing one another?

I wonder how we will save ourselves from the global environmental catastrophy we created with our own hands when we are still finding it very normal to abuse and use one another? 

It is concerning....

The shallow approaches that we use to solve our problems are even more concerning...

(Photograph: Anna Shvets)



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