Nightmare in a Nightmare in a Nightmare in a....

 Hello Dear,

I wonder some thyme weather you are a wolf in sheep's clothing...

Have to mention I like to eat sheep and love to eat eggplant...

There was someone once had a Black Heart and

whom made artistry of it...

The one without accountability,

sometimes I wonder whether I have awaken from a nightmare

to find myself in another nightmare...

Today, I did not want to write at all...

Couldn't get my sleep last night

woke up multiple times...

anxiety, nightmares, 

terrible things that were accumulated during day,

maybe misconceptions, prejudices, worst case scenarios,

all sauced with homemade tomato sauce perceived as blood...

your mind fill up the void with terrible things if you are still not completely clear of fear and anger completely,

it vomits up all the anxiety, fear and anger when you sleep....

higher the amount of unknown higher the amount you suffer from this....

I  wish to have clarity on the things that are important to me...

I have seen terrible nightmares...  

It was multiple layered so in one nightmare you see yourself seeing a nightmare and wake up to another nightmare that you were seeing a nightmare and woke up but actually you were in another nightmare each one is ending up with new nightmares with the same scenerio....

it all started with someone whom was trapped in their minds prison

a person so dear to me decided to end things for themselves and I saw this as an initial nightmare and woke up to find it is true in another went on like this for multiple layers...

it was like your heart is being pierced with daggers one after another...

until I wake up with the morning sun....

a weird kind of nightmare

all happening again and once again when you expect to have some closure and clarity....

a nightmare you wake up and find it to be true, over an over again...

it got me so deeply, I couldn't function clearly for a while...

this morning

I am still shaken by it...

Maybe I will write tonight or maybe tomorrow.

until then...


(Image AI)


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