Our Relationship

 My reader,

Tonight the MʘʘN is majestic..😘

Thank you for reading my blog,

I don't know who you are 

but you read my writings 

which makes you know me in a way...

I wonder how you are perceiving me?

A weirdo, 

A terrible writer,

A man with terrible mouth and some environmental concerns

Someone from a far away land

A person with a different point of view

Someone who claims to know it all...

Actually, I can be anything you perceive its fine with me

you can hate me 

you can like me

You can despise me

You can hate me

I accept all of it....

In our relationship.

I let you to have the upper hand..

This is a one way communication

A message in a bottle...

A seed of idea

There is no response

no fakeness

I am trying to keep this as real as it could be...

Don't get me wrong I wonder how you think about me

but I don't think I want to know 

what it is...

Maybe if I know what is your opinion

than the things I share will be different

in a way that I would not choose..

We talked about this earlier...

if we interact that way fakeness wins...

check this earlier blog if you didn't understand what I mean by this.

I know you want to write me responses,


love letters,


bad intensions,

high fives,

sexy thighs,




Thanks for all..

Let me tell you right away 

thanks for the attention...

I don't want to be rude

but its ok with me what you send to me...

I am sorry but...

I am not going to read them... 

I wonder what you are saying to me 

but I don't want to be responsible

on either killing the cat or making it alive,

by learning what you say to me....

You already read this blog

so it was your responsibility to open this box of blog to create a decision...

by sending me a response

you ask me to do the decision of reading them..

So you have to also respect me to not to make that decision

isn't that fair enough....

Although, if you are going to be sending the nudes

that's another story... :) please mention it in the title....

Don't stop sending me nudes...

I will respond with a poem..

I believe you already know our rule on the nudes!


Thanks for your understanding...

Its amazing to me with this Blog...

when I started doing this I just didn't know how I was going to do this...

I had no clue on blogging..

Its been nearly two months and I've been writing here to you daily...

Dear reader,

to be Frank

is not easy because

 I am King...

ha ha ha

To be honest...

today I realized that i am not writing for you

instead I am writing here to slow my overthinking

its really helping in my last situation with trying to find a 9-5 slavery

anyways it helped me and see

we had built a weird relationship with you..

I am not sure if you still continue to read these nonsense 

blob of unfiltered thoughts of my mind 

I will continue to write...

Also if you have bought any of the books

I am thanking you...its not much of a sales but knowing to be supported is wonderfull.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

I see you tomorrow...

I mean i write to you tomorrow..

Thanks for reading my nonsense..

may the bʘʘbs be with you...


A NOTE to the reader!

A new book is available in two volumes check the link below on the volumes!

THE HERMETIC MUSEUM: Volume I and VolumeII By Arthur Edward Waite

(Photograph: Luis del Rio)


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