Short verses

 Hello Dear Readers,

Nightmares continued last night as well...

Feeling like all my energy is drained from me..

I am sorry for taking you up in this with me...

Although, I said this blog is about a "poetic journey"

so for the people who think that poetry is about only putting the rhymed words

one after the another and spiting short verses....

This is what happens behind those words and verses...

Intense happiness, sadness, anger, frustration....

Each word you read in a poem is fueled up with all these emotions

they are brought altogether to give those exact emotions and feel that were experienced in a particular point of time through the perspective of the poet...

after they are released by the poet

poems become entities on their own 

they turn to kind of poets on their own

they are rewritten as they are read or heard by the audience

they exist to be perceived to initiate new emotions to the audience...

as more people read on them they live...

and they become poets themselves...

Rediscovered by each iteration of reading...

They are spells, thrown into the wind by the magician.

So I am sorry that I will not be writing poems these days

I don't want to create sour, sad, angry and dark poems....

The emotions I have right now have to be transmuted  to light...

Therefore, I am asking some break my dear audience...

I will try to write as much as I can, 

not the poems maybe short stories, maybe my impressions on certain topics...

I hope you have a wonderful day

see you later...

(Image: Design King H. Ironson)


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