Hello My Dear Readers,

Today I take a look to the analytics of the blog, I was not aware that I can take a look to from which locations the readers are coming..

I was amazed, that readers from CANADA, GERMANY, FRANCE, USA, BRAZIL, AUSTRALIA, FINLAND, UK, INDIA, BULGARIA, DENMARK, IRAN, MALAYSIA, RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many more countries are reading my blog....

I am humbled, WOW...

Thank you all for taking the time to read my stuff...

Among my audience CANADA is the no.1 followed by GERMANY....

Thank you very much

Merci Beaucoup

Danke Schön 

(Consider I am thanking you in your own language) 

Readers !

I hope our journey extends to larger audience and you will enjoy the reading time with me...

As we discussed earlier, your only purpose in our relationship is to read and construct your own opinions on what you read here..

You can write criticize in other platforms on what you read here 

I am reminding once more again for the sake of pure unbiassed creation of the writings in this platform

we will not interact...

The most interaction would be this...

I am not going to load expectations upon your shoulder and I expect the same from you..

it is a very honest relationship!

Don't you think so?

 Today our main topic is  a strange visual I had during my morning meditation..

I want to write about it...

It was weird and scary....

As I was struggling to focus to a complete nothingness

all of a sudden I found myself on the brink of a high ground...

It was like looking down to a cliff which was pitch black formed with black soil and occasionally white stones here and there...It looked so straight.....

Like looking down from the edge of a cube...

the fall on the edge was very big...

You cannot tell from the top where the 

fall will end if you ever to fall from the edge...

In that context I was in a very white and lightened place of nothingness

it was serene and all of a sudden

as I was running on that serene place...

I have found my self in the edge of that white light serenity...

I was running and stopped on the edge...

at first I did not feared it 

but it was so spooky...

I thought to myself it would be such a fall if you fall in that pit.

I am not sure what it is but I thought to myself

if you fall there it would take some serious time to climb back to where I am...

All of a sudden the fear set in 

I breathed in and said "I am the light"

I said "I ex hale the dark inside of me" as I ex hailed...

all the serene white and light expanded and contradicted all around me

than turned to normality,

I felt serene again...

This is the first time I discovered such a dark pit in such a high ground...

in the plane I choose to be in my meditation...

It moved in both directions to the eternity...

I was able to see the across..

Another whitish place existed but there is this gap of huge fall...

I am not sure whether the place after the pit is white or it looked white from the reflection of  light of where I was...

It looked whitish

but not as much white as I am in..

Maybe it was shadow of the pit making it darker from where I stand...

I just moved to the edge of the pit looked down...

than looked across 

there was a huge gap 

I am not sure if you can jump across I thought to myself...

it felt eerie...


I continued my meditation 

I wanted to get away from there 

I inhaled and said "I love myself"

I said "I exhale my self hate"

I continued until the pit disappeared in the distant

and turned into nothingness.

(Image: AI)



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