what is hot you tell me?

 Hello All and the Blonde Doll,

Monday sun is licking my face,

coming through the silver maple and sage leaves...

a shine of wisdom and treachery

 its hot and welcoming

like a hot and moist slit...

Need to wake up and soothe my morning glory

weird dreams of fears and anxieties

followed me during the night...

the morning came like a

warm loving arm...

caring and caressing

a black bitter coffee is what I need..

I have a busy day in front of me...

                                    King H. Ironson

will write again to you all and the Brunette Doll.


have a great day 


is not a


I fly but don't have a wing

you can't shoot me with sling

as a sun rising

I don't blink I sing

fusing words of wisdom oozing 

Musing all my audience posing.

                                King H. Ironson

what is hot you tell me?

(Photograph: Ahmad Syahrir)


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