
 Hello Dear Reader,

Today outside is very chilly

I feel extremely silly

No my name is not Billy

I don't write horror stories thrilly

your hands should rub on my belly

and your lips have to kiss my lips lovingly


its only 

a dreamy 

lobotomy of melancholy...

which I choose to accept as an anomaly 

as a phony reality

I choose to reinvent my life form gloomy to gleamy

light shines colors thrives freedom reins in my autonomy

I choose to forgive my enemy

to deny blasphemy

                King H. Ironson

Yes we started with a poem... 

Its really cold and chilly outside

the smoke flavor of the air is more recognizable,

its very gloomy...

I fed the birds, watered my plants, meditated, 

got cold and rushed inside...


I really want to buy beautiful flowers for my garden

I hope this weekend they get into discount a little bit..

The weekend camping plan is approaching to impossible with the weather...

A weather anomaly...

some anomalies effect your life greatly...

even the ones happening in your mind..

or the ones that are prompted to happen in your mind..

no we cannot categorize anomaly 

as bad or good

what is good or what is bad ?

anomaly is extraordinary


makes you develop

makes you change

makes you challenge

embrace the anomaly

grow with it!

(Photograph: James DeMers)


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