com port


Today I will start with a quote and than let's see where it will take us...

A quote from Phytogoras "Δημος δε ονειρων κατα Πυϑαγοραν αἱ ψυχαι, ἁς συναγεσϑαι φησιν εις τον γαλαξιαν" roughly translates to "the people of dreams are souls collected together in the Galaxy"

so if you are a dreamer 

and if you get to be free from 

your bondage with the material 

world, than there is another 

realm where you can access 


you can access it from the portal of your mind, 

in there,

there are no appearances, no flags, no religion, no definitions

there are only vibrations,

vibrations of beings, creations and of infinite knowledge

knowledge from all possible realms and all possible realities

there is the gate to access pure reality....

there, all time exist in a single moment...

its chaos and order all in the same creation..

its the cradle of  beings and thoughts that you see naked and true.

you see things,

the things that are happening with all possible outcomes!

like looking to an infinite timeline with infinite possibilities...

you see them as specs of dust...

whatever you focus is what you see because, all is hard to grasp...

beings can interact with one another, 

in regard to their own capabilities of perceiving. 

the galaxy have many realms, you interact there with other beings and 

drink from the eternal wisdom, according to your perception

its an interface, a com port...

which is the final limit you can reach..

its an interface, a sill to the unity..

beyond that creation and destruction, exist at the same time

beyond that is, 

the cosmic womb.....

(Image: Merlinlightpainting - Pixabay)


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