My Dearest Reader,

Running don't make you large

it makes you even smaller

you should always be open 

to face with what your destiny

brings in front of you.

Otherwise you will create 

the conditions to run away 

from yourself

and I am sure its not 

going to be something 


Been there done that...

this is from experience...

regardless everybody 

lives of their own choices 

and experiences brought by them

in this world..

world throws at you lots of challenges, lots of chances

and lots of tips

the important thing is 

not to miss the challenges and tips

when you have the chance...

if you have missed them

that's ok too...

you can always learn from your choices

choices with good or bad outcomes..

but if you are constantly doing the same

choices with undesirable outcomes 

over and over again

you will be trapped in that debt of Karma

living the same things

over an over again.

life teaches you 

to learn to trust your gut

instead of your thoughts.


which are dictated by 

thought norms placed in you

that are full of bias, prejudice, 

discrimination and false beliefs.

follow gut 

follow intuition

that's the only way you can 

break the cycle of

karmic debt.

I just wanted to write this, 

try to understand that the reality 

you could be experiencing,  

might be way more different than what

you thought it to be...

Mind is a trickster..

don't ever forget that..!

release from the bind

kind always be kind

even if you are a rind

great will be the grind

for the mankind 

to unwind

shackles to unbind

your soul go find

not in the mind

but in the wind

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)

This might the last entry of the day!
Maybe not?
I don't know
if I feel like writing again 
I will write...


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