Flying Realms of Existence

 Hello Dearest Reader,

Today is a gray day again,

but I am energetic unlike many Monday's of my life...

I started the day with the regular stuff 

feed the birds, water the plants, meditate (a long one)

lately my meditations are more fruitfull

it brings more serenity

applied to jobs and still applying to jobs,

I have some accumulation of the places to be applied

Canada job market is not bad but there is too much competition

also Employers are expecting unrealistic capabilities

like you have to have a 5+ years experience for a job but you should be a new graduate

(translation: I will give you the salary of a new graduate even though I want 5+ years experience)


another challenge I have is that I am looking for jobs in other provinces particularly Ontario

because here in Quebec they passed a bill (96)

no its not asking people to do reverse 69 

it briefly tells non french speakers to bug off.

yes intentionally I write french with non-capital letter

because what they are trying to do with the aim of  "preserving culture"

is basically produces new routes to discrimination, fascism, and hatred.

If they were really so concerned about the "preserving the culture" within the Quebec territory

they would have made a bill 95 which would state that primary language of these lands is the languages of the first nations and everybody needs to learn and speak this language within 6 months of time

otherwise they would not be able to benefit from all the government services..

such a hypocrisy

Clearly, Quebec government is saying to you that if you are not a native English speaker and you did'nt learn french upon 6 months arrival, than I don't want you...Even if you need emergency medical help I won't speak in English with you..

What is going on here is the abusing of the privileges' of being a minority...

Everywhere in Canada except for Quebec you can have government related services in both languages...

In my opinion this act of rising nationalism in Quebec should be neutralized otherwise it is going to produce many issues related to human rights abuses.

Yes its the primary reason I want to move and find a job elsewhere in Canada

I want peace! Not hostility...

Values like rule of the law, peace, free speech, integrity, accountability, equal opportunities, social and environmentally aware governance are the reasons why I choose to come to Canada, not the hostility!

and Let me tell you I was both doing financially and socially well in my small bubble back in my native country...

I bring my expertise, good education and wealth here to Canada to contribute to the society and also to thrive...Being humiliated and discriminated for not speaking the second language of the country was not in the top of my list!


Anyways, I can speak how wrong this bill is for hours but I also know many Quebecers are not happy with this law.. I hope this is a temporary phase 

like the right wing moves in all parts of the world...

enough with the politics

here I have poem made of light!

I know that not everything I wrote is made of light!

You should know that I am an imperfect human as well

who is trying to become a being...

I am like you.

A great light fills you inside out

with the flying realms of existence

a warm feeling pours and washes you clean

all the darkness emerges a wipeout.

clean is the consciousness essence

dream a manifest of yours and blow it human

As it merges with future, wait it to fold out

you are in your heaven of illumination in silence

let self die out from pride, ego and  arrogance with mean,

life will bring you immortal flowers even if you are kaput.

                                                                King H. Ironson

Meeh... a very lousy poem indeed...

though every word is true.

(Image: AI)


This morning as I was meditating I opened my eyes for glimpse and came eye to eye with a female Cardinal, it came very close to me and investigated me! :) 

It was so cute!




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