My Dearest Reader,

Lately its been raining a lot in here...

yesterday went in a jiff with all the meetings I had and some thoughts 

I had about these meetings...

The last meeting I had was so weird...

A start up company looking for a Ph.D. to solve the main problem of their 

invention which require another invention....

and these idiots expect that they can find someone with all this experience

to go to their stupid start up at a wage of a McDonald's worker...

And telling you that if you can make it work than maybe they can consider 

giving a percentage of the company?

I said good luck!

Yes...Unfortunately some people

feel themselves soo entitled

the "Karen's" 

there are many types of them

when I use the term "Karen" actually I don't want to offend the good people whom are named "Karen" and have nothing to do with this type of Character traits...I would like to apologize from those 

its not my intention to put a smudge on your good name

however, social media boosted a meme of "Karen" which stands for a certain character trait..

anyways lets return to our story...

The general character of Karen is associated with entitlement

this is boosted with unfounded ego, arrogance, narcissism

and rooted by personal insecurities...

because these people have confidence issues and insecurities

they think that they have the right to make the life of others miserable...

the Karen's do the following greatly and or they have these attitudes:

1. They ask for special treatment in every occasion

2. They don't have accountability, for the things they did.

3. They recraft the reality according to their suited needs 

4. They don't like if a bad attitude done to them but they are more than ok to do the same bad attitude to the other

5. They thrive in conflicts

6. They think that they are great and best in everything, even though they are not capable and below mediocre

7. They are ignorant, that is why they are so courageous and confident on everything

8. They usually fuck up a lot because of their unfounded confidence they bite more than they could chew...

9. They want to do terrible things and have no accountability but have their cake to eat it

10. They don't have a good personality, they hide their personality with a façade in social situations

11. They are attention seekers, they usually seek attention via surface level qualities because they don't have anything authentic to offer.

12. They usually steal other peoples authentic work and push it forward as its their own authenticities

13. They usually get frustrated when their giant lack of capabilities are exposed

14. They usually blame of others for their own faults and bad consequences of their own actions

15. They usually avoid facing with their own persona because they cannot admit how terrible they are

16. They are masters of using and abusing other people for their needs or for gains, especially if those people are nice 

17. They don't have a moral conscience

I am sure I have missed many other, "fine" personal traits...

Why I told you these,

because I came to know many of this kind

and in one of the meetings yesterday

I felt this 

So when you are giving decisions

you will always need to have your

values next to you 

and also the experiences you had earlier

as a guide!

(Images: Pixabay, Design: King H. Ironson)



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