light is my occupant

 Dearest Readers,

I wish you a beautiful Saturday, here its rainy and gray but all the plants shine with green color...

its not a nice day to take a walk or bike...

this year for whatever reason I am not too much in biking

probably because of the anxiety of trying to find job

it make me feel like I am slacking

like I am not slacking as I write this blog...

I guess writing the blog is my new toy....

Enjoy writing it, I don't care if its being read or not...

Although, I check from time to time the statistics

to see where are my readers from...

there are many of you from different parts of the world...

when you think its unbelievable to get this much of coverage with very simple platform...

its exciting...

thank you readers 

you make me feel excited...

today I will give you a poetry

its going to be written

after I stop chatting with you

most of the times the poem is written at that time

so the time label of the blog

is a clear indicator when the poem is written

before this blog

I used to write the poems or stuff

that came to my head in small cheap notepads

it was a limited space and it was not easy to write on because they were smalll

and another issue is that I have a terrible hand writing

even sometimes I cannot read what I have wrote earlier...

it becomes a guessing game...

so most of the time the initial thing I wrote is changed to something new

as I translate them into books or digital media

with the small notebooks writing short stories is difficult and you gave up quickly

blog solved all these problems...but I need the computer to write the blog...

so I still carry notepads If I am going outside somewhere which I will spend a long time...

Elephant remember insignificant, small things because its giant

I am a human infant Not interested in can't and don't

small deviant but with a big heart full of thoughts so elegant

Incant my dreams as I chant, my seeds I implant stay dormant

distant rhymes initiate seeds so vibrant, my words pleasant and heart is valiant

my wishes turn to a full grown plant, with blossoms so fragrant, fruitful and abundant

its my covenant that I will be always tolerant, change I will be pursuant and end the stagnant

light is my occupant, my inner eternal flame is irradiant, turned my heart clairvoyant

my words are attractant wards away the dark intolerant, initiates and enlighten the ignorant    

my life is above the simulant; fake realities not dominant, authenticity is what my hopes grant                                                                                             

                                                                                                                        King H. Ironson

(Image: Vintage American Trade Cards 1870-1900)


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