Lions are captive when tame

 Hello My Dearest Reader,

It was a fruitful meditation for me today...

new wild flowers are blooming there are pink, and purple blossoms of Centaurea additions

aside that today, the air is cleaner than yesterday...

weather is gray but no rain so far...

my mood is also a little bit gray....

no responses from my job applications is not making this any better

its bringing me anxiety...

life always throws at you new challenges

the challenges never ends, its part of life...

you don't get to be free from them

even after you resolved many other big challenges within your self...

finding a decent job is difficult here in Canada

you need to overcome many things even though you have the highest possible education

and experience...

its not easy...

now I am looking for jobs anywhere in Canada except Quebec.

I wonder where I will end up with maybe British Colombia, maybe Alberta, Maybe Nova Scotia

I just don't know....

if I get a job somewhere I will move there...

I hope this will happen during the summer...

it would be difficult to move during winter also there is the school of my kid..

changing locations is already very difficult for him...

I just want to provide him with a better place and some more stability at least until the end of his secondary school...

he had to change 4 different schools in his elementary

its very hard on him as well

and I am very proud with him because he became the master of adaptation in this process...

even though it was not in my plan to change this many locations...

life throws you to places..

last couple of years I realized in a hard way that you need to make out the best you can with whatever you have

not whatever you might have....

I am hopeful that life will bring good things one day somehow...

but you just need to have the appropriate glasses to see them and have the will to grab them inorder to not to miss them...

I am sure many of you have similar situations with your life like this

please be hopeful and try to raise your energy on your own...

you cannot wait someone, something to change everything magically to make your life better all of a sudden...

only you can do that....

accept the things that you cannot change and move on to the ones that are more suited to you...

only you can find good things in your life and learn to enjoy them...

trust your intuition, trust your gut feeling...

don't be afraid to make changes...

change is good

change is always inevitable..

if your intentions are right don't be afraid to make that big step!

Same tame she escape

He flies, an illuminous craft fire

Careless treatise, of knowledge 

Sends a tangle race

Our lore steps warn, soft wine

Eon of a mind on time in my core!

Lighter novels give way to ode

Love has more than these...

Sour frowns bears on my face in your exile

Lonely souls, needs more or less care

Lions are captive when tame they don't rhyme with hare

It's all the same!  

                                       King H. Ironson  

(Painting: Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950)- Nude Women with Lions 1909)



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