Neither Dutch Nor German!

Hey-lo, My Beautiful Reader,

I have to admit to you that I don't know Dutch nor German, nor French 🐈


I don't know why I wanted to mention you this...I guess I have written some things in German and in Finnish earlier..

I didn't want to give you the impression that I know these languages...

Thanks to technology I can write in English and have a translation... 

Twice in my life I passed transit from Belgium with train...

and have been to Amsterdam three times...

one of them was only transit...

I really want to see Belgium one day...

and I have very limited experience with the Holland...

I've been there when I was a student in my inter-rail trip...

Of course I had very limited money and couldn't enjoy the city quite bit...

Me and my friends did not felt very safe in Amsterdam, 

because at every corner a shady guy sneaking on us while walking and trying to sell drugs.

Most of the people find Amsterdam interesting because of the coffee shops and red light's district...

The reason I found it interesting was the great flea market I saw there

I really enjoy checking up second hand shops, garage sales, antique shops, flea markets..

Also, I like to pet cats, I can pet them for hours...Especially, fluffy and calm cats...

Today, I could not spend to much time outside because the air quality is terrible

due to forest fires up north...Maybe you heard there were great forest fires in Albertan and now here up North in Quebec. 

We start to hear more wild fires in the last years...I am sure this is related to global warming as well..

The sky is Orange and you can feel burnt smell..

It gives you a headache when you spend too much time outside..

I hope you all have blue skies and fresh weather 

and forest that are healthy in your regions...

my emerald clothes

that I made home

for beasts, critters and small creatures

stripped by consuming flame

my flesh, naked lies

exposed to suns rays

my beautiful trees

I raised you one by one

burnt into smoke and ashes

to give life for new generations

even Prometheus cries

for such a tragedy that realize

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: anykeep)


Embrace and Love yourself

Thank you for buying the books!

As I was writing my last words a calm rain started 

it gives a very soft sound as the drops hit to the canvas of the gazebo.

a type of rain that bring fertility

a rain that you would like to wash underneath

and cleanse yourself from your sins.

maybe I'll dance under it and get soaked




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