New Beat Grotesque

 Hello Pueblo, Apollo, Morello, Buffalo, Gigolo, Armadillo, Portobello, Diablo, Reader and Freckles,

I am going to play polo solo and give you the Friday night usual...

Today is the day we do our sacrifice to our Beloved Inanna


today is the love's day 

we will sacrifice an environmentally friendly recycled nude for this purpose

and we will read 

an authentic poem

from an authentic

punk who calls him a poet!

Nobody reads his poets which are poems

people only look at the pictures

just like little kids

he wonders whether anybody is 

getting the wisdom 

from these poets that born as poems

Great love

Evolved out of blue

Rushed in a tale

May Day Rose

Arouse my Moon, pure white, pale

New beat grotesque

Yearn my life evermore

                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Charles W. Gilhousen – Golora 1915

another rare blonde nude ;)


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