Hello Dearest Reader,

Hope you are doing fine,

I already recognized you, I am aware of you...

You don't need to make extra efforts to make yourself recognized.


The thing is I respond to the people who write to me...

and I have already given you the means for you to connect me

if you feel the need..

for instance sending your nudes to me etc.

though you know our arrangement

whatever I write here cannot be effected..

it has to be genuine brain fart...

without any filter...

so I would appreciate your e-mails with your intentions

if you have any,

because I don't have time to play guessing games with anyone

I have more precious things to do in my life 

that give me greater joy...

so you will only get response if you communicate directly...

for instance you can start with "Hey King,"

continue with

"how are you? I just wondered if........"

and we can continue communicating from there

its ok if you write 

its also ok if you don't write

its ok whatever you criticize me for 

except being un respectful to me!

if you do that I will put your head back in to your arse with my words.

but don't expect any response from me on whatever end...

the things I write here 

are creative work!

that's how they came to be and that's what they are going to be....

if you think the things written are intended for you...

be my guest...

read these thing as I am reading them to you...

it would be my pleasure...😘

now you will meet 

with someone who came into my life

She is a beauty....Isn't she?

She has been kissing me in the mornings


Oh the destroyer, oh the creator..

you bring the change you ravage

please let us salvage

our life's a mirage

you set the stage

without a range and an image

than with a urge you rage to purge

we live in mind's cage on the edge

don't crave us for change

come do your damage

you are a great mage and a sage

                         King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)

Isn't she a beauty?
Reader as you can see the number of mouths to feed 
is increasing but the purchased books are not!
We appreciate your contributions with book purchases!
if you can buy more please!💋
I want to rub my head a boob trap in leather!
purrrr purrr purrrr....

Today I will write again maybe ? maybe not?
I need material!
Help me!




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