Hell no My Dear Reader,

Yes, "Hell No" to war and dictatorship

at this age...

Such a primitive thing to do...

fighting instead of finding solutions to the mess we created 

a mess that is threatening our future..

instead of putting all the effort in solving global warming and ecological tragedies

people and countries are thinking how they can exploit the new normal initiated by the global warming...


Recently, I watched several documentaries (check the link 1 and link 2) about the arctic regions

and how countries are trying to exploit the new reality

for the benefit of their economies...

instead of creating solutions to reverse the effects of the climate change

they are thinking how they can build new ports and shipping routes in the arctic sea..

This is a clearly indicator the dictators of the east and elected governments of the west

does not care about finding solutions to the global warming....

They just implement lousy tax benefits for EV to relieve public pressure...

The arctic regions and their fragile habitats should be left alone!....

We didn't learn our lessons with the outcome of industrialism and unfortunately we continue to throw wood in the fire of the pot which we are being cooked in..

we are killing our future and all the life on it !

The worst thing is that we are so blind with our arrogance to think that we are superior intelligent species on this planet!

Shame on all of us!

The planet does not require economical growth 

it needs sustainable green economies and resolving of conflicts to solve our bigger issues on our doorsteps..

Instead of resolving the conflicts in the world 

we are again spiraled back into old hostilities and fighting for resources..

as the governments ramping up armament, right wing movements, nationalism is on the rise everywhere,

where as freedom, rights and environmental issues becoming less and less important...

we have "HUGE" environmental issues and the will to solve them are in the backburner....

Don't expect to have a growing economy when there is going to be even large human migrations due to the effects of global warming, drought and famine...

Our lack of vision and will to solve these issues unfortunately prompts larger issues.

There will be no winners of these conflicts there will be only looser

and it will be all of us...

keep on sucking the old

day's vengeance

your time is ticking for the world

it cries attendance

sleep lurking in the shadow word

say's no problem in my glance

weep on nature's son grow bold

Nay's to death for the cash of gold

your experience is the guidance

to the essence to our balance

choose life, choose life

not the lie...don't be vile! 

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: 12019)


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